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Pure ASP upload with image detection

How to upload files from browser to server running classic ASP and detect, server side, if the files are valid pictures? For valid pictures, how to get their dimensions?

Usually file upload in classic ASP is done by third party components which come with a DLL file and requires registration on the server, sometimes also cost money. Needless to say many hosts won't allow third party components due to security reasons.

There are great many pure ASP upload scripts already, but they only take the file and save to server disk, no image detection whatsoever.

Below is my own script written for the above purpose but of course more answers are always welcome with alternatives or better ways.

like image 744
Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 08:04

Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron

3 Answers

Here is a single Class which handles file upload plus image detection. Use case will come below. Save this as-is, preferably as a new file, with .asp extension e.g. ShadowUpload.asp

Note: if you want to allow uploading images larger than 200kb, take a look in the answer to Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) throws error for large files. (Failing to do so might result in "Operation not Allowed" error on the BinaryRead line.)

Const MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE=1500000 'bytes
Const MSG_NO_DATA="nothing to upload!"
Const MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE="you exceeded the maximum upload size!"

Class ShadowUpload
    Private m_Request
    Private m_Files
    Private m_Error

    Public Property Get GetError
        GetError = m_Error
    End Property

    Public Property Get FileCount
        FileCount = m_Files.Count
    End Property

    Public Function File(index)
        Dim keys
        keys = m_Files.Keys
        Set File = m_Files(keys(index))
    End Function

    Public Default Property Get Item(strName)
        If m_Request.Exists(strName) Then
            Item = m_Request(strName)
            Item = ""
        End If
    End Property

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Dim iBytesCount, strBinData

        'first of all, get amount of uploaded bytes:
        iBytesCount = Request.TotalBytes

        WriteDebug("initializing upload, bytes: " & iBytesCount & "<br />")

        'abort if nothing there:
        If iBytesCount=0 Then
            m_Error = MSG_NO_DATA
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'abort if exceeded maximum upload size:
        If iBytesCount>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE Then
            m_Error = MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'read the binary data:
        strBinData = Request.BinaryRead(iBytesCount)

        'create private collections:
        Set m_Request = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set m_Files = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

        'populate the collection:
        Call BuildUpload(strBinData)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Dim fileName
        If IsObject(m_Request) Then
            Set m_Request = Nothing
        End If
        If IsObject(m_Files) Then
            For Each fileName In m_Files.Keys
                Set m_Files(fileName)=Nothing
            Set m_Files = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub BuildUpload(ByVal strBinData)
        Dim strBinQuote, strBinCRLF, iValuePos
        Dim iPosBegin, iPosEnd, strBoundaryData
        Dim strBoundaryEnd, iCurPosition, iBoundaryEndPos
        Dim strElementName, strFileName, objFileData
        Dim strFileType, strFileData, strElementValue

        strBinQuote = AsciiToBinary(chr(34))
        strBinCRLF = AsciiToBinary(chr(13))

        'find the boundaries
        iPosBegin = 1
        iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinCRLF)
        strBoundaryData = MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin)
        iCurPosition = InstrB(1, strBinData, strBoundaryData)
        strBoundaryEnd = strBoundaryData & AsciiToBinary("--")
        iBoundaryEndPos = InstrB(strBinData, strBoundaryEnd)

        'read binary data into private collection:
        Do until (iCurPosition>=iBoundaryEndPos) Or (iCurPosition=0)
            'skip non relevant data...
            iPosBegin = InstrB(iCurPosition, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("Content-Disposition"))
            iPosBegin = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("name="))
            iValuePos = iPosBegin

            'read the name of the form element, e.g. "file1", "text1"
            iPosBegin = iPosBegin+6
            iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinQuote)
            strElementName = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))

            'maybe file?
            iPosBegin = InstrB(iCurPosition, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("filename="))
            iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosEnd, strBinData, strBoundaryData)
            If (iPosBegin>0) And (iPosBegin<iPosEnd) Then
                'skip non relevant data..
                iPosBegin = iPosBegin+10

                'read file name:
                iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinQuote)
                strFileName = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))

                'verify that we got name:
                If Len(strFileName)>0 Then
                    'create file data:
                    Set objFileData = New FileData
                    objFileData.FileName = strFileName

                    'read file type:
                    iPosBegin = InstrB(iPosEnd, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("Content-Type:"))
                    iPosBegin = iPosBegin+14
                    iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinCRLF)
                    strFileType = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))
                    objFileData.ContentType = strFileType

                    'read file contents:
                    iPosBegin = iPosEnd+4
                    iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBoundaryData)-2
                    strFileData = MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin)

                    'check that not empty:
                    If LenB(strFileData)>0 Then
                        objFileData.Contents = strFileData

                        'append to files collection if not empty:
                        Set m_Files(strFileName) = objFileData
                        Set objFileData = Nothing
                    End If
                End If
                strElementValue = strFileName
                'ordinary form value, just read:
                iPosBegin = InstrB(iValuePos, strBinData, strBinCRLF)
                iPosBegin = iPosBegin+4
                iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBoundaryData)-2
                strElementValue = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))
            End If

            'append to request collection
            m_Request(strElementName) = strElementValue

            'skip to next element:
            iCurPosition = InstrB(iCurPosition+LenB(strBoundaryData), strBinData, strBoundaryData)
    End Sub

    Private Function WriteDebug(msg)
        If SU_DEBUG_MODE Then
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function AsciiToBinary(strAscii)
        Dim i, char, result
        result = ""
        For i=1 to Len(strAscii)
            char = Mid(strAscii, i, 1)
            result = result & chrB(AscB(char))
        AsciiToBinary = result
    End Function

    Private Function BinaryToAscii(strBinary)
        Dim i, result
        result = ""
        For i=1 to LenB(strBinary)
            result = result & chr(AscB(MidB(strBinary, i, 1))) 
        BinaryToAscii = result
    End Function
End Class

Class FileData
    Private m_fileName
    Private m_contentType
    Private m_BinaryContents
    Private m_AsciiContents
    Private m_imageWidth
    Private m_imageHeight
    Private m_checkImage

    Public Property Get FileName
        FileName = m_fileName
    End Property

    Public Property Get ContentType
        ContentType = m_contentType
    End Property

    Public Property Get ImageWidth
        If m_checkImage=False Then Call CheckImageDimensions
        ImageWidth = m_imageWidth
    End Property

    Public Property Get ImageHeight
        If m_checkImage=False Then Call CheckImageDimensions
        ImageHeight = m_imageHeight
    End Property

    Public Property Let FileName(strName)
        Dim arrTemp
        arrTemp = Split(strName, "\")
        m_fileName = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
    End Property

    Public Property Let CheckImage(blnCheck)
        m_checkImage = blnCheck
    End Property

    Public Property Let ContentType(strType)
        m_contentType = strType
    End Property

    Public Property Let Contents(strData)
        m_BinaryContents = strData
        m_AsciiContents = RSBinaryToString(m_BinaryContents)
    End Property

    Public Property Get Size
        Size = LenB(m_BinaryContents)
    End Property

    Private Sub CheckImageDimensions
        Dim width, height, colors
        Dim strType

        '''If gfxSpex(BinaryToAscii(m_BinaryContents), width, height, colors, strType) = true then
        If gfxSpex(m_AsciiContents, width, height, colors, strType) = true then
            m_imageWidth = width
            m_imageHeight = height
        End If
        m_checkImage = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        m_imageWidth = -1
        m_imageHeight = -1
        m_checkImage = False
    End Sub

    Public Sub SaveToDisk(strFolderPath, ByRef strNewFileName)
        Dim strPath, objFSO, objFile
        Dim i, time1, time2
        Dim objStream, strExtension

        strPath = strFolderPath&"\"
        If Len(strNewFileName)=0 Then
            strPath = strPath & m_fileName
            strExtension = GetExtension(strNewFileName)
            If Len(strExtension)=0 Then
                strNewFileName = strNewFileName & "." & GetExtension(m_fileName)
            End If
            strPath = strPath & strNewFileName
        End If

        WriteDebug("save file started...<br />")

        time1 = CDbl(Timer)

        Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strPath)


        '''For i=1 to LenB(m_BinaryContents)
        '''    objFile.Write chr(AscB(MidB(m_BinaryContents, i, 1)))

        time2 = CDbl(Timer)
        WriteDebug("saving file took " & (time2-time1) & " seconds.<br />")

        Set objFile=Nothing
        Set objFSO=Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Function GetExtension(strPath)
        Dim arrTemp
        arrTemp = Split(strPath, ".")
        GetExtension = ""
        If UBound(arrTemp)>0 Then
            GetExtension = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)
        'Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
        'RSBinaryToString converts binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY Or MultiByte string)
        'to a string (BSTR) using ADO recordset

        Dim Binary
        'MultiByte data must be converted To VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY first.
        If vartype(xBinary)=8 Then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) Else Binary = xBinary

        Dim RS, LBinary
        Const adLongVarChar = 201
        Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        LBinary = LenB(Binary)

        If LBinary>0 Then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
            RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary 
            RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
            RSBinaryToString = ""
        End If
    End Function

    Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
        '© 2000 Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
        ' MultiByteToBinary converts multibyte string To real binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
        ' Using recordset
        Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
        Const adLongVarBinary = 205
        Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
        If LMultiByte>0 Then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
            RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
            Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
        End If
        MultiByteToBinary = Binary
    End Function

    Private Function WriteDebug(msg)
        If SU_DEBUG_MODE Then
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function BinaryToAscii(strBinary)
        Dim i, result
        result = ""
        For i=1 to LenB(strBinary)
            result = result & chr(AscB(MidB(strBinary, i, 1))) 
        BinaryToAscii = result
    End Function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This routine will attempt to identify any filespec passed  :::
    ':::  as a graphic file (regardless of the extension). This will :::
    ':::  work with BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG files.                     :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::          Based on ideas presented by David Crowell          :::
    ':::                   (credit where due)                        :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah     Copyright *c* MM,  Mike Shaffer     blah blah :::
    '::: bh blah      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE      blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah  Permission is granted to use this code blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah   in your projects, as long as this     blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah      copyright notice is included       blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This function gets a specified number of bytes from any    :::
    ':::  file, starting at the offset (base 1)                      :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
    ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
    ':::       offset      => Offset at which to start reading       :::
    ':::       bytes       => How many bytes to read                 :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    Private Function GetBytes(flnm, offset, bytes)
        Dim startPos
        If offset=0 Then
            startPos = 1
            startPos = offset
        End If
        if bytes = -1 then        ' Get All!
            GetBytes = flnm
            GetBytes = Mid(flnm, startPos, bytes)
        end if
'        Dim objFSO
'        Dim objFTemp
'        Dim objTextStream
'        Dim lngSize
'        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'        ' First, we get the filesize
'        Set objFTemp = objFSO.GetFile(flnm)
'        lngSize = objFTemp.Size
'        set objFTemp = nothing
'        fsoForReading = 1
'        Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(flnm, fsoForReading)
'        if offset > 0 then
'            strBuff = objTextStream.Read(offset - 1)
'        end if
'        if bytes = -1 then        ' Get All!
'            GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(lngSize)  'ReadAll
'        else
'            GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(bytes)
'        end if
'        objTextStream.Close
'        set objTextStream = nothing
'        set objFSO = nothing
    End Function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Functions to convert two bytes to a numeric value (long)   :::
    ':::  (both little-endian and big-endian)                        :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    Private Function lngConvert(strTemp)
        lngConvert = clng(asc(left(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(right(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
    end function

    Private Function lngConvert2(strTemp)
        lngConvert2 = clng(asc(right(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(left(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
    end function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This function does most of the real work. It will attempt  :::
    ':::  to read any file, regardless of the extension, and will    :::
    ':::  identify if it is a graphical image.                       :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
    ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
    ':::       width       => width of image                         :::
    ':::       height      => height of image                        :::
    ':::       depth       => color depth (in number of colors)      :::
    ':::       strImageType=> type of image (e.g. GIF, BMP, etc.)    :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    function gfxSpex(flnm, width, height, depth, strImageType)
        dim strPNG 
        dim strGIF
        dim strBMP
        dim strType
        dim strBuff
        dim lngSize
        dim flgFound
        dim strTarget
        dim lngPos
        dim ExitLoop
        dim lngMarkerSize

        strType = ""
        strImageType = "(unknown)"

        gfxSpex = False

        strPNG = chr(137) & chr(80) & chr(78)
        strGIF = "GIF"
        strBMP = chr(66) & chr(77)

        strType = GetBytes(flnm, 0, 3)

        if strType = strGIF then                ' is GIF
            strImageType = "GIF"
            Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 7, 2))
            Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 9, 2))
            Depth = 2 ^ ((asc(GetBytes(flnm, 11, 1)) and 7) + 1)
            gfxSpex = True
        elseif left(strType, 2) = strBMP then        ' is BMP
            strImageType = "BMP"
            Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
            Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
            Depth = 2 ^ (asc(GetBytes(flnm, 29, 1)))
            gfxSpex = True
        elseif strType = strPNG then            ' Is PNG
            strImageType = "PNG"
            Width = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
            Height = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
            Depth = getBytes(flnm, 25, 2)
            select case asc(right(Depth,1))
                case 0
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 2
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 3)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 3
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))  '8
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 4
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 2)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 6
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 4)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case else
                    Depth = -1
            end select
            strBuff = GetBytes(flnm, 0, -1)        ' Get all bytes from file
            lngSize = len(strBuff)
            flgFound = 0

            strTarget = chr(255) & chr(216) & chr(255)
            flgFound = instr(strBuff, strTarget)

            if flgFound = 0 then
                exit function
            end if

            strImageType = "JPG"
            lngPos = flgFound + 2
            ExitLoop = false

            do while ExitLoop = False and lngPos < lngSize
                do while asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) = 255 and lngPos < lngSize
                    lngPos = lngPos + 1

                if asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) < 192 or asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) > 195 then
                    lngMarkerSize = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 1, 2))
                    lngPos = lngPos + lngMarkerSize  + 1
                    ExitLoop = True
                end if

            if ExitLoop = False then
                Width = -1
                Height = -1
                Depth = -1
                Height = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 4, 2))
                Width = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 6, 2))
                Depth = 2 ^ (asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 8, 1)) * 8)
                gfxSpex = True
            end if
        end if
    End Function
End Class

Constants explained:

  • MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE - maximum size, in bytes, of all uploaded files. When exceeding that size the upload process is aborted and global error is set to the constant MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE.

  • MSG_NO_DATA - when user does not choose any file to upload, global error will be set to that constant.

  • SU_DEBUG_MODE - when set to True the script will output various messages via Response.Write(), useful for debugging problems.

Simple use case: (full code)

<!-- #include file="ShadowUpload.asp" -->
Dim objUpload
If Request("action")="1" Then
    Set objUpload=New ShadowUpload
    If objUpload.GetError<>"" Then
        Response.Write("sorry, could not upload: "&objUpload.GetError)
        Response.Write("found "&objUpload.FileCount&" files...<br />")
        For x=0 To objUpload.FileCount-1
            Response.Write("file name: "&objUpload.File(x).FileName&"<br />")
            Response.Write("file type: "&objUpload.File(x).ContentType&"<br />")
            Response.Write("file size: "&objUpload.File(x).Size&"<br />")
            Response.Write("image width: "&objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth&"<br />")
            Response.Write("image height: "&objUpload.File(x).ImageHeight&"<br />")
            If (objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth>200) Or (objUpload.File(x).ImageHeight>200) Then
                Response.Write("image to big, not saving!")
                Call objUpload.File(x).SaveToDisk(Server.MapPath("Uploads"), "")
                Response.Write("file saved successfully!")
            End If
            Response.Write("<hr />")
        Response.Write("thank you, "&objUpload("name"))
    End If
End If
<form action="<%=Request.ServerVariables( "Script_Name" )%>?action=1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
File1: <input type="file" name="file1" /><br />
File2: <input type="file" name="file2" /><br />
File3: <input type="file" name="file3" /><br />
Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
<button type="submit">Upload</button>

This demonstrates using most of the script features, to block non image files from uploading you can just have something like:

If objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth<0 Then
    Response.Write("Not a valid image!")
    'proceed to save the file...
End If

Disclaimer: This was originally posted here seven years ago and as credited in the code itself, contains parts not written by me.

Note for clients using Chrome browser on android device:

  1. For some reason, the standard <button> element of type submit appears not to work properly in Chrome for android. If you get complaints from clients about it, try changing this line in the form:

    <button type="submit">Upload</button>

    to this instead:

    <input type="submit" value="Upload" />
  2. Due to possible bug in the Chrome app for android, when using the phone's camera app to take a new image then trying to submit this image, it might fail. In such case just advice the client to use a different browser.

like image 154
Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11

Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron

The code of @ShadowWizard is nice and run as a charme on a local machine, but I encountered uploading issues on a production server, then I rewrote the Class with a more robust parsing routine for the upload request.

The class can handle more errors right now and You can upload multiple files with a single INPUT element; save this as a new file and rename it as "uploadhelper.asp"

Const MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE        = 25000000 '25 MB
Const MSG_NO_DATA            = "Nothing to upload."
Const MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE  = "You exceeded the maximum upload size."
Const MSG_BAD_REQUEST_METHOD = "Bad request method. Use the POST method."
Const MSG_BAD_ENCTYPE        = "Bad encoding type. Use a ""multipart/form-data"" enctype."
Const MSG_ZERO_LENGTH        = "Zero length request."

Class UploadHelper
    Private m_Request
    Private m_Files
    Private m_Error

    Public Property Get GetError
        GetError = m_Error
    End Property

    Public Property Get FileCount
        FileCount = m_Files.Count
    End Property

    Public Function File(index)
        If m_Files.Exists(index) Then
           Set File = m_Files(index)
           Set File = Nothing
        End If
    End Function

    Public Default Property Get Item(strName)
        If m_Request.Exists(strName) Then
            Item = m_Request(strName)
            Item = ""
        End If
    End Property

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Dim iBytesCount, strBinData

        'first of all, get amount of uploaded bytes:
        iBytesCount = Request.TotalBytes

        'abort if nothing there:
        If iBytesCount = 0 Then
            m_Error = MSG_NO_DATA
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'abort if exceeded maximum upload size:
        If iBytesCount > MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE Then
            m_Error = MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then 
            Dim CT, PosB, Boundary, PosE
            CT = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Type")
            If LCase(Left(CT, 19)) = "multipart/form-data" Then
                PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=") 
                If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Mid(CT, PosB + 9) 
                PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=") 
                If PosB > 0 Then 
                    PosB = InStr(Boundary, ",")
                    If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Left(Boundary, PosB - 1)
                End If
                If iBytesCount > 0 And Boundary <> "" Then 
                    Boundary = "--" & Boundary
                    Dim Head, Binary
                    Binary = Request.BinaryRead(iBytesCount) 

                    'create private collections:
                    Set m_Request = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                    Set m_Files = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

                    Call ParseRequest(Binary, Boundary)
                    Binary = Empty 
                    m_Error = MSG_ZERO_LENGTH
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                m_Error = MSG_BAD_ENCTYPE
                Exit Sub
            End If
            m_Error = MSG_BAD_REQUEST_METHOD
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Dim fileName
        If IsObject(m_Request) Then
            Set m_Request = Nothing
        End If
        If IsObject(m_Files) Then
            For Each fileName In m_Files.Keys
                Set m_Files(fileName)=Nothing
            Set m_Files = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ParseRequest(Binary, Boundary)
        Dim PosOpenBoundary, PosCloseBoundary, PosEndOfHeader, isLastBoundary
        Boundary = StringToBinary(Boundary)
        PosOpenBoundary = InStrB(Binary, Boundary)
        PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary, 0)
        Dim HeaderContent, FieldContent, bFieldContent
        Dim Content_Disposition, FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Type
        Dim TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary, n : n = 0
        Do While (PosOpenBoundary > 0 And PosCloseBoundary > 0 And Not isLastBoundary)
            PosEndOfHeader = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + Len(Boundary), Binary, StringToBinary(vbCrLf + vbCrLf))
            HeaderContent = MidB(Binary, PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary) + 2, PosEndOfHeader - PosOpenBoundary - LenB(Boundary) - 2)
            bFieldContent = MidB(Binary, (PosEndOfHeader + 4), PosCloseBoundary - (PosEndOfHeader + 4) - 2)
            GetHeadFields BinaryToString(HeaderContent), Content_Disposition, FormFieldName, SourceFileName, Content_Type
            Set objFileData = New FileData
            objFileData.FileName = SourceFileName
            objFileData.ContentType = Content_Type
            objFileData.Contents = bFieldContent
            objFileData.FormFieldName = FormFieldName
            objFileData.ContentDisposition = Content_Disposition
            Set m_Files(n) = objFileData
            Set objFileData = Nothing
            TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = BinaryToString(MidB(Binary, PosCloseBoundary + LenB(Boundary), 2))
            isLastBoundary = TwoCharsAfterEndBoundary = "--"
            If Not isLastBoundary Then 
                PosOpenBoundary = PosCloseBoundary
                PosCloseBoundary = InStrB(PosOpenBoundary + LenB(Boundary), Binary, Boundary)
            End If
            n = n + 1
    End Sub

    Private Function GetHeadFields(ByVal Head, Content_Disposition, Name, FileName, Content_Type)
        Content_Disposition = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-disposition:", ";"))
        Name = (SeparateField(Head, "name=", ";")) 
        If Left(Name, 1) = """" Then Name = Mid(Name, 2, Len(Name) - 2)
        FileName = (SeparateField(Head, "filename=", ";")) 
        If Left(FileName, 1) = """" Then FileName = Mid(FileName, 2, Len(FileName) - 2)
        Content_Type = LTrim(SeparateField(Head, "content-type:", ";"))
    End Function

    Private Function SeparateField(From, ByVal sStart, ByVal sEnd)
        Dim PosB, PosE, sFrom
        sFrom = LCase(From)
        PosB = InStr(sFrom, sStart)
        If PosB > 0 Then
            PosB = PosB + Len(sStart)
            PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, sEnd)
            If PosE = 0 Then PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, vbCrLf)
            If PosE = 0 Then PosE = Len(sFrom) + 1
            SeparateField = Mid(From, PosB, PosE - PosB)
            SeparateField = Empty
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function BinaryToString(Binary)
        dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3
        Dim L
        cl1 = 1
        cl2 = 1
        cl3 = 1
        L = LenB(Binary)
        Do While cl1<=L
            pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1)))
            cl1 = cl1 + 1
            cl3 = cl3 + 1
            if cl3>300 then
                pl2 = pl2 & pl3
                pl3 = ""
                cl3 = 1
                cl2 = cl2 + 1
                if cl2>200 then
                    pl1 = pl1 & pl2
                    pl2 = ""
                    cl2 = 1
                End If
            End If
        BinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3
    End Function

    Private Function StringToBinary(String)
        Dim I, B
        For I=1 to len(String)
            B = B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(String,I,1)))
        StringToBinary = B
    End Function

End Class

Class FileData
    Private m_fileName
    Private m_contentType
    Private m_BinaryContents
    Private m_AsciiContents
    Private m_imageWidth
    Private m_imageHeight
    Private m_checkImage
    Private m_formFieldName
    Private m_contentDisposition

    Public Property Get FormFieldName
        FormFieldName = m_formFieldName
    End Property

    Public Property Let FormFieldName(sFieldName)
        m_formFieldName = sFieldName
    End Property

    Public Property Get ContentDisposition
        ContentDisposition = m_contentDisposition
    End Property

    Public Property Let ContentDisposition(sContentDisposition)
        m_contentDisposition = sContentDisposition
    End Property

    Public Property Get FileName
        FileName = m_fileName
    End Property

    Public Property Get ContentType
        ContentType = m_contentType
    End Property

    Public Property Get ImageWidth
        If m_checkImage=False Then Call CheckImageDimensions
        ImageWidth = m_imageWidth
    End Property

    Public Property Get ImageHeight
        If m_checkImage=False Then Call CheckImageDimensions
        ImageHeight = m_imageHeight
    End Property

    Public Property Let FileName(ByVal strName)
        strName = Replace(strName, "/", "\")
        Dim arrTemp : arrTemp = Split(strName, "\")
        m_fileName = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
    End Property

    Public Property Let CheckImage(blnCheck)
        m_checkImage = blnCheck
    End Property

    Public Property Let ContentType(strType)
        m_contentType = strType
    End Property

    Public Property Let Contents(strData)
        m_BinaryContents = strData
        m_AsciiContents = RSBinaryToString(m_BinaryContents)
    End Property

    Public Property Get Size
        Size = LenB(m_BinaryContents)
    End Property

    Private Sub CheckImageDimensions
        Dim width, height, colors
        Dim strType

        '''If gfxSpex(BinaryToAscii(m_BinaryContents), width, height, colors, strType) = true then
        If gfxSpex(m_AsciiContents, width, height, colors, strType) = true then
            m_imageWidth = width
            m_imageHeight = height
        End If
        m_checkImage = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        m_imageWidth = -1
        m_imageHeight = -1
        m_checkImage = False
    End Sub

    Public Sub SaveToDisk(strFolderPath, ByRef strNewFileName)
        Dim strPath, objFSO, objFile
        Dim i, time1, time2
        Dim objStream, strExtension

        strPath = strFolderPath&"\"
        If Len(strNewFileName)=0 Then
            strPath = strPath & m_fileName
            strExtension = GetExtension(strNewFileName)
            If Len(strExtension)=0 Then
                strNewFileName = strNewFileName & "." & GetExtension(m_fileName)
            End If
            strPath = strPath & strNewFileName
        End If

        time1 = CDbl(Timer)

        Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strPath)


        '''For i=1 to LenB(m_BinaryContents)
        '''    objFile.Write chr(AscB(MidB(m_BinaryContents, i, 1)))

        time2 = CDbl(Timer)

        Set objFile=Nothing
        Set objFSO=Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Function GetExtension(strPath)
        Dim arrTemp
        arrTemp = Split(strPath, ".")
        GetExtension = ""
        If UBound(arrTemp)>0 Then
            GetExtension = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)
        'Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
        'RSBinaryToString converts binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY Or MultiByte string)
        'to a string (BSTR) using ADO recordset

        Dim Binary
        'MultiByte data must be converted To VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY first.
        If vartype(xBinary)=8 Then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) Else Binary = xBinary

        Dim RS, LBinary
        Const adLongVarChar = 201
        Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        LBinary = LenB(Binary)

        If LBinary>0 Then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
            RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary 
            RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
            RSBinaryToString = ""
        End If
    End Function

    Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
        '© 2000 Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
        ' MultiByteToBinary converts multibyte string To real binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
        ' Using recordset
        Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
        Const adLongVarBinary = 205
        Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
        If LMultiByte>0 Then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
            RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
            Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
        End If
        MultiByteToBinary = Binary
    End Function

    Private Function BinaryToAscii(strBinary)
        Dim i, result
        result = ""
        For i=1 to LenB(strBinary)
            result = result & chr(AscB(MidB(strBinary, i, 1))) 
        BinaryToAscii = result
    End Function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This routine will attempt to identify any filespec passed  :::
    ':::  as a graphic file (regardless of the extension). This will :::
    ':::  work with BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG files.                     :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::          Based on ideas presented by David Crowell          :::
    ':::                   (credit where due)                        :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah     Copyright *c* MM,  Mike Shaffer     blah blah :::
    '::: bh blah      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE      blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah  Permission is granted to use this code blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah   in your projects, as long as this     blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah      copyright notice is included       blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This function gets a specified number of bytes from any    :::
    ':::  file, starting at the offset (base 1)                      :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
    ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
    ':::       offset      => Offset at which to start reading       :::
    ':::       bytes       => How many bytes to read                 :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    Private Function GetBytes(flnm, offset, bytes)
        Dim startPos
        If offset=0 Then
            startPos = 1
            startPos = offset
        End If
        if bytes = -1 then        ' Get All!
            GetBytes = flnm
            GetBytes = Mid(flnm, startPos, bytes)
        end if
'        Dim objFSO
'        Dim objFTemp
'        Dim objTextStream
'        Dim lngSize
'        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'        ' First, we get the filesize
'        Set objFTemp = objFSO.GetFile(flnm)
'        lngSize = objFTemp.Size
'        set objFTemp = nothing
'        fsoForReading = 1
'        Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(flnm, fsoForReading)
'        if offset > 0 then
'            strBuff = objTextStream.Read(offset - 1)
'        end if
'        if bytes = -1 then        ' Get All!
'            GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(lngSize)  'ReadAll
'        else
'            GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(bytes)
'        end if
'        objTextStream.Close
'        set objTextStream = nothing
'        set objFSO = nothing
    End Function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Functions to convert two bytes to a numeric value (long)   :::
    ':::  (both little-endian and big-endian)                        :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    Private Function lngConvert(strTemp)
        lngConvert = clng(asc(left(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(right(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
    end function

    Private Function lngConvert2(strTemp)
        lngConvert2 = clng(asc(right(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(left(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
    end function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This function does most of the real work. It will attempt  :::
    ':::  to read any file, regardless of the extension, and will    :::
    ':::  identify if it is a graphical image.                       :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
    ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
    ':::       width       => width of image                         :::
    ':::       height      => height of image                        :::
    ':::       depth       => color depth (in number of colors)      :::
    ':::       strImageType=> type of image (e.g. GIF, BMP, etc.)    :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    function gfxSpex(flnm, width, height, depth, strImageType)
        dim strPNG 
        dim strGIF
        dim strBMP
        dim strType
        dim strBuff
        dim lngSize
        dim flgFound
        dim strTarget
        dim lngPos
        dim ExitLoop
        dim lngMarkerSize

        strType = ""
        strImageType = "(unknown)"

        gfxSpex = False

        strPNG = chr(137) & chr(80) & chr(78)
        strGIF = "GIF"
        strBMP = chr(66) & chr(77)

        strType = GetBytes(flnm, 0, 3)

        if strType = strGIF then                ' is GIF
            strImageType = "GIF"
            Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 7, 2))
            Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 9, 2))
            Depth = 2 ^ ((asc(GetBytes(flnm, 11, 1)) and 7) + 1)
            gfxSpex = True
        elseif left(strType, 2) = strBMP then        ' is BMP
            strImageType = "BMP"
            Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
            Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
            Depth = 2 ^ (asc(GetBytes(flnm, 29, 1)))
            gfxSpex = True
        elseif strType = strPNG then            ' Is PNG
            strImageType = "PNG"
            Width = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
            Height = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
            Depth = getBytes(flnm, 25, 2)
            select case asc(right(Depth,1))
                case 0
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 2
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 3)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 3
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))  '8
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 4
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 2)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 6
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 4)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case else
                    Depth = -1
            end select
            strBuff = GetBytes(flnm, 0, -1)        ' Get all bytes from file
            lngSize = len(strBuff)
            flgFound = 0

            strTarget = chr(255) & chr(216) & chr(255)
            flgFound = instr(strBuff, strTarget)

            if flgFound = 0 then
                exit function
            end if

            strImageType = "JPG"
            lngPos = flgFound + 2
            ExitLoop = false

            do while ExitLoop = False and lngPos < lngSize
                do while asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) = 255 and lngPos < lngSize
                    lngPos = lngPos + 1

                if asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) < 192 or asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) > 195 then
                    lngMarkerSize = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 1, 2))
                    lngPos = lngPos + lngMarkerSize  + 1
                    ExitLoop = True
                end if

            if ExitLoop = False then
                Width = -1
                Height = -1
                Depth = -1
                Height = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 4, 2))
                Width = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 6, 2))
                Depth = 2 ^ (asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 8, 1)) * 8)
                gfxSpex = True
            end if
        end if
    End Function
End Class

Usage: create a new *.asp file with the following code to upload your files.

<!-- #include file="uploadhelper.asp" -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <form action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>?cmd=upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      File: <input type="file" name="files[]" multiple>
      <input type="submit" value="Upload">
If Request("cmd")="upload" Then
    Dim objUpload : Set objUpload = New UploadHelper
    If objUpload.GetError <> "" Then
        Response.Write("Warning: "&objUpload.GetError)
        Response.Write("found "&objUpload.FileCount&" files...<br />")
        Dim x : For x = 0 To objUpload.FileCount - 1
            Response.Write("form field name: "&objUpload.File(x).FormFieldName&"<br />")
            Response.Write("content disposition: "&objUpload.File(x).ContentDisposition&"<br />")
            Response.Write("file name: "&objUpload.File(x).FileName&"<br />")
            Response.Write("file type: "&objUpload.File(x).ContentType&"<br />")
            Response.Write("file size: "&objUpload.File(x).Size&"<br />")
            Response.Write("image width: "&objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth&"<br />")
            Response.Write("image height: "&objUpload.File(x).ImageHeight&"<br />")
            If (objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth>1024) Or (objUpload.File(x).ImageHeight>1024) Then
                Response.Write("the image is too big, file not saved!")
                Call objUpload.File(x).SaveToDisk(Server.MapPath("/public"), "")
                Response.Write("file saved successfully!")
            End If
            Response.Write("<hr />")
    End If
End If
like image 25
Max Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 04:11


As a PPS, the problem might be a little more basic than you might think. IIS has a limit of 200K for a BinaryRead() function call. Has anyone come into this problem while trying to implement this solution?

Why wasn't the BinaryRead() limitation mentioned anywhere in the initial documentation? I've been struggling with this for over an hour.

This link on StackOverflow explains it: Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) throws error for large files

like image 1
user5708300 Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 04:11
