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Puppeteer: How to get the contents of each element of a nodelist?

I'm trying to achieve something very trivial: Get a list of elements, and then do something with the innerText of each element.

const tweets = await page.$$('.tweet');

From what I can tell, this returns a nodelist, just like the document.querySelectorAll() method in the browser.

How do I just loop over it and get what I need? I tried various stuff, like:

[...tweets].forEach(tweet => {
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i.brod Avatar asked Oct 16 '18 02:10


People also ask

How do you find the value of an element in a puppeteer?

page. $eval() function is used to get the value for an element in puppeteer. $eval will stage two-parameter as an argument first parameter will be the selector and the second parameter will be element= element.

How do you get the inner text on a puppeteer?

We can get element text in Puppeteer. This is done with the help of the textContent property. This property of the element is passed as a parameter to the getProperty method.

How do you get a list of puppeteer elements?

You can get the elements by using the class in puppeteer, but the puppeteer does not understand what is class or id; so you have to use the CSS format to make the puppeteer understand it. Use . (dot) before the class name to denote that the following is class.

How do you evaluate a page in a puppeteer?

evaluate() method. Evaluates a function in the page's context and returns the result. If the function passed to page. evaluteHandle returns a Promise, the function will wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.

2 Answers


You can use a combination of elementHandle.getProperty() and jsHandle.jsonValue() to obtain the innerText from an ElementHandle obtained with page.$$():

const tweets = await page.$$('.tweet');

for (let i = 0; i < tweets.length; i++) {
  const tweet = await (await tweets[i].getProperty('innerText')).jsonValue();

If you are set on using the forEach() method, you can wrap the loop in a promise:

const tweets = await page.$$('.tweet');

await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  tweets.forEach(async (tweet, i) => {
    tweet = await (await tweet.getProperty('innerText')).jsonValue();
    if (i === tweets.length - 1) {


Alternatively, you can skip using page.$$() entirely, and use page.evaluate():

const tweets = await page.evaluate(() => Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('tweet'), e => e.innerText));

tweets.forEach(tweet => {
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Grant Miller Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Grant Miller

According to puppeteer docs here, $$ Does not return a nodelist, instead it returns a Promise of Array of ElementHandle. It's way different then a NodeList.

There are several ways to solve the problem.

1. Using built-in function for loops called page.$$eval

This method runs Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) within the page and passes it as the first argument to pageFunction.

So to get innerText is like following,

// Find all .tweet, and return innerText for each element, in a array.
const tweets = await page.$$eval('.tweet', element => element.innerText);

2. Pass the elementHandle to the page.evaluate

Whatever you get from await page.$$('.tweet') is an array of elementHandle. If you console, it will say JShandle or ElementHandle depending on the type.

Forget the hard explanation, it's easier to demonstrate.

// let's just call them tweetHandle 
const tweetHandles = await page.$$('.tweet');

// loop thru all handles
for(const tweethandle of tweetHandles){

   // pass the single handle below
   const singleTweet = await page.evaluate(el => el.innerText, tweethandle)

   // do whatever you want with the data

Of course there are multiple ways to solve this problem, Grant Miller also answered few of them in the other answer.

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Md. Abu Taher Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Md. Abu Taher