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Publish updated/new apk with new keystore

So I have learnt my lesson in backing up my keystore and the new one is now safely tucked away from now on. { and yes I have looked for the old one for ages :-( }

I need to un-publish my current app and so I can reuse the app name and create a new app version 1 with the new keystore I have created.

I can only un-publish my app and not delete it as Google need to keep it as unpublished for legal reasons etc etc so understand that.

How do I create a new app with the same name as right now play store says that the name is already in use.

Still digging and investigating a solution but any help would be appreciated.

enter image description here

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timv Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 14:03


2 Answers

So after talking with Google support I really wanted to get the correct solution that only changed what needed to be changed and leave what could be left alone.

So for all the folk out there like me who lost their keystore file, here is the necessary steps for republishing your app where you have lost your keystore.

  1. Unplubish your app. So under ALL APPLICATIONS you see this and the app shows as Unpublished under Status. enter image description here

  2. Change the name of your unpublished app. Here i just added the word old to the app name. enter image description here

  3. Rebuild your app with a new package name as follows: if the current package name is com.mycom.myapp then use a new one such as com.mynewapp.myapp

  4. Make a new keystore and when they say to KEEP IT SAFE they really do mean it, KEEP IT SAFE.

( I am still in the process of republishing the app so I will update my answer with more info once published.)

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timv Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 07:03


Google Play allows many apps to have the same title. However, the application package for each app needs to be unique within Google Play. This is the package attribute value that you provide for the <manifest> tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file of your project. The package name serves as a unique identifier for the application.

For example: com.yourwebsite.yourappname or com.yourwebsite.yoursuitename.yourappname.

Here's the link for Android manifest :http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html#package

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Android Enthusiast Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 06:03

Android Enthusiast