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Public Wildcard Domain Name To Resolve To [closed]

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Why do we need the domain name system DNS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an important part of the internet, providing a way to map names (a website you're seeking) to numbers (the address for the website). Anything connected to the internet - laptops, tablets, mobile phones, websites - has an Internet Protocol (IP) address.

Can localhost have subdomains?

localhost is not supposed to have any subdomains. To do so violates the approved RFC standards. localhost has an A record and in IPv6 environments, an AAAA record. All other DNS record types, including SOA are forbidden.

How does XIP IO work?

Xip.io is a wildcard DNS service that makes it drop-dead simple to set up a network and connect any device to your local test site. The service is really just a custom DNS server you can easily tap into. So, for example, if your LAN IP address is 10.0. 0.1, using Xip.io, mysite. resolves to 10.0.


VMWare maintains this for their open cloud platform.

37Signals created a complete domain for mapping to any IP you want, http://xip.io. So for localhost you can using project.

I've had to starting using this for some proxy tools, as they were choking on request that didn't resolved to an IP using an external DNS call.

  • smackaho.st
  • 42foo.com

I've just found a great solution: lvh.me

you can try it:

  • http://lvh.me
  • http://sub.lvh.me

We've got a domain you can actually remember for this.


We'll maintain it for as long as we're able.

Developing with subdomains just got a lot easier: *.lacolhost.com

http://localhost.tv does the trick :-)

I bought since none of the existing 85 localhost domains were pointing at localhost...

Note: This domain has now lapsed so won't work as described below.

It looks like *.127-0-0-1.org.uk will do what you need.



  • http://www.127-0-0-1.org.uk/
  • http://test1.127-0-0-1.org.uk/
  • http://127-0-0-1.org.uk/
  • http://foo.bar.127-0-0-1.org.uk/