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Public fields in a Data Transfer Object

In my years of programming I've often made classes that simply group a few variables with their setters and getters. I've seen these types of objects referred to as value objects, domain objects or model objects depending on the context in which they are used. The most fitting term for generic usage seems to be Data Transfer Object (DTO). This describes a POJO that only contains accessors and mutators.

I've just written one such object that contains about fifty fields used to set theme parameters on a chart. Now I'm wondering if instead of generating a hundred getters and setters I should just declare these fields as public. Doing so goes against everything my programming instincts tell me yet I can't deny that it would greatly increase my code's legibility and reduce the amount of boilerplate code in the class.

The only reason I can see not to use public fields would be if I needed to perform any sort of validation on these fields. If we assume that type validation is sufficient for my purposes, is using public fields in this scenario an acceptable break from object-oriented design? Will a public DTO perform better in large batch operations?

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Lilienthal Avatar asked May 14 '13 09:05


People also ask

Can DTO have getters and setters?

The main reason for using a getter/setter combination instead of a public field is that you can change the definition. So, if your DTO is part of an interface between components, best to use getters. If you change the inner workings, you can adapt the getter to mimic the old behaviour and maintain compatibility.

Where Data Transfer Object can be used?

DTOs are most commonly used by the Services layer in an N-Tier application to transfer data between itself and the UI layer. The main benefit here is that it reduces the amount of data that needs to be sent across the wire in distributed applications. They also make great models in the MVC pattern.

What is the meaning of data transfer objects?

A data transfer object (DTO) is an object that carries data between processes. You can use this technique to facilitate communication between two systems (like an API and your server) without potentially exposing sensitive information. DTOs are commonsense solutions for people with programming backgrounds.

Can a DTO have another DTO?

extend – DTOs can extend another DTO. no generics – DTOs should never have a variable generic signature because this makes serialization really hard.

3 Answers

Most programmers will default to private fields with getters/setters without thinking about it. But like any cargo-cult thing, it's better to make a conscious decision.

The main reason for using a getter/setter combination instead of a public field is that you can change the definition. So, if your DTO is part of an interface between components, best to use getters. If you change the inner workings, you can adapt the getter to mimic the old behaviour and maintain compatibility.

Another reason is that you can make read-only fields. Often for DTOs, read-only and immutable is a good choice.

A third reason could be that your DTO needs to be a javabean because you intend to use it in some tool that requires it.

If none of these properties go for you, there's no reason not to use public fields.

Don't expect much of a performance difference though :)

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Joeri Hendrickx Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Joeri Hendrickx

I do not think it terribly bad practice to have a 'settings' or 'theme' or 'style' class with public attributes.

Modern IDEs with refactoring tools make it trivial to promote an attribute to getter/setter if you want to do any complicated calculations or checks on values at set-time.

Often in your 'setTheme' or whatever function that consumes these settings classes is a good clean place to do validation.

When setting settings like this it is usually appropriate to do a deep copied object rather than retaining a reference to a mutable class.

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Will Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09


There is a difference between DataStructure and Object.

Data structure should expose its innards and not behavior.

An Object should not expose its innards but it should expose its behavior, which is also known as the Law of Demeter

so, DTOs are basically Data structures. They should only expose their data, they don't need Getter and Setters. Validation is the behavior, it should not be part of DTO. It must have a different Object i.e. Validation object.

Inspired by Clean Code by Robert C. Martin(Uncle Bob)

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aditya lath Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 11:09

aditya lath