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PSFTP open for write: failure




I am uploading a file from a collection of different servers to one data server. I am using psftp and one out of 20+ servers is producing a permissions problem.

Remote working directory is /
psftp> cd Remote_Directory\ 
Remote directory is now /Remote_Directory/
psftp> put C:\folders\containing\file\FILE.zip    
/Remote_Directory/: open for write: failure
psftp> quit

It appears like a permissions issue on the remote directory, however, why am I only getting the issue on one server? The batch is identical on all of the 20+ servers.

like image 653
jswirl Avatar asked Dec 02 '14 21:12


1 Answers

PUT command expects a file name at the end of the destination location.

Please try the following code

put C:\folders\containing\file\FILE.zip /Remote_Directory/FILE.zip 
like image 109
Prakashm88 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10
