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Providing auth header with SockJS

I have a Spring MVC server that provides a bunch of REST endpoints as well as a websocket endpoint. Everything except the login endpoint requires authentication. I'm using JWT to authenticate requests coming from the client.

When the user logs in I'm returning an X-AUTH-TOKEN header, containing the JWT token. This token is then passed in the same header on every request to the server. This all works fine for the REST endpoints, but I can't figure out how to do this on the websocket.

I'm using SockJS, and when I open the connection:

var socket = new SockJS('/socket/updates', null, {});

This causes a GET request to /socket/updates/info?t=xxx which returns a 403 (as everything requires auth by default).

Ideally I'd simply send my X-AUTH-TOKEN header on any XHR requests SockJS makes, but I can't see any way of adding headers looking at the API.

Worst case I can change SockJS to do this, but I'm wondering whether this functionality has been deliberately left out? I know SockJS doesn't support cookies for security reasons but that's not what I'm trying to do.

Also, for the sake of a test I did allow the info endpoint to have anonymous access but then it 403's on a bunch of other endpoints - it feels more elegant to simply pass in auth details on these requests than poke holes in my server security.

Any help appreciated.


like image 644
L Morris Avatar asked Sep 04 '15 08:09

L Morris

2 Answers

You cannot set the header from SockJS. Not because SockJS does not have this functionality, but because browser makers don't expose this API to Javascript. See:


For a workaround, see JSON Web Token (JWT) with Spring based SockJS / STOMP Web Socket.

like image 192
Raman Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 20:09


client side:

stompClient.connect({headername:header}, function () {
                stompClient.subscribe(request.topic, function (message) {

server side :

StompHeaderAccessor accessor
                        = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(message, StompHeaderAccessor.class);

 String headervalue= accessor.getNativeHeader("your header name").get(0);
like image 23
ahll Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 20:09
