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Provide callback for custom component

I made a custom component which basically wraps a d3 line chart. Now I want to be able to register a callback for clicks on the lines in the chart.

I gave the component a @NgCallback parameter, which I then send events to:

class NetworkSummaryComponent implements NgShadowRootAware {
  Function callback;

  void onShadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot) {
    chart.callMethod('listen', ['line-click', (ev) {
        var name = ev.callMethod('getLineName');
        callback({'name': name});

When using the component, I specify a function of my controller as callback:


However, that function is never actually called, put I know the callback arrives from the JS side because the print in the first snippet is executed.

If I instead specify the attribute as callback="ctrl.lineClicked()" I get a strange exception:

Closure call with mismatched arguments: function 'call'

I could not find any official documentation on how to properly do callbacks, so I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong.. Any ideas?

like image 500
Mononofu Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 23:03


1 Answers

It turns out that I had to explicitly name the expected arguments in the attributes:


Hope this is useful to the next person having this problem.

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Mononofu Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 00:03
