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Protection from reflection - android

Even a private member/function of my class can be accessed by reflection by using setAccessible(true). Is there a way to prevent this kind of access from outside code?

I read something, here on stack-overflow, that I can use SecurityManager for prevention of reflection in applets(not sure how it works, though), but is there a similar mechanism for Android as well? Maybe an annotation or clever-programming?

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Ankur Aggarwal Avatar asked Nov 03 '12 17:11

Ankur Aggarwal

2 Answers

Taking a step back, what you're observing is a difference in security philosophy, between the Java execution model as originally embodied in JVMs at Sun and the execution model of Android.

The original Java VM design was intended for a system wherein multiple, mutually-suspicious applications (or "applets" in the Java parlance) would simultaneously inhabit a single address space, running in a single VM. Because the designers didn't want one app to be able to mess with another, they went through great pains to define an intra-VM security model that would disallow things such as one object touching the private fields of another object of a different class.

That said, the Java library ended up having various "escape hatches" out of the security model. One of those is setAccessible() on reflection objects, as you note.

Android's model is different: Android uses processes as the security boundary and unit of application isolation, instead of trying to insinuate it into the process as was done with traditional JVMs. This renders moot the entirety of the Java security model, except in that it helps an application "save it from itself." That is, it's good design to not have an object poke into another object's private parts, and the default Java security model provides just that.

Leaving aside the question of people modifying your code, with Android, as an application author, you control all the code that ends up running inside the process of your app. If you choose to include code that calls setAccessible() that's your business. You might be shooting yourself in the foot, but you certainly won't be shooting any other apps' feet, since the Android security model, running as it as at the layer of processes, inherently doesn't let that happen. Likewise, using native code will totally break you out of the Java object model, which allows for the possibility of things going totally higgledy-piggledy in the process but also allows you to express some things in a more productive manner than you could in Java. It's a trade-off, but it's a per-application-developer tradeoff and not one that particularly impacts anything else that's happening on your phone / device.

I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but I hope it provided some useful context.

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danfuzz Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10


Is there a way to prevent this kind of access from outside code?

Not really.

is there a similar mechanism for Android as well?

Even if there is (and I am not aware that such a thing exists), anyone can remove it, by decompiling your code (assuming they do not have your source already), getting rid of the protection, and recompiling the code.

Bear in mind that ProGuard, when used properly, will obfuscate your private classes and methods for your production APK builds. That, plus a lack of documentation, will make it tedious for anyone to gain access to those private classes and methods.

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CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10
