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Pros & Cons of Using animateToRegion() vs animateCamera()

Building out react-native-maps and trying to decide the pros and cons of using animateToRegion vs. animateCamera. In the past we've handled everything on a region basis.

Seems like region would be a better choice, as you won't have to worry about differences between elevation and zoom, while also having a more granular control of the exact region being displayed if needed.

Anyone have any thoughts or experiences that have led them to one or the other?

like image 828
AndrewTelkamp Avatar asked Jun 06 '19 00:06


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1 Answers

I just made this switch myself. I found that animateCamera() is more versatile and allows for cleaner syntax.

The biggest pro for animateCamera() is that you can do multiple animations from a single method call.

An example of centering to coords and turning the camera 180 degrees with animateCamera():

  center: {
    latitude: 0,
    longitude: 0,
  heading: 180,

If you wanted to do the same thing with animateToRegion() you would need to call two methods:

  latitude: 0,
  longitude: 0,
  heading: 180,

Not as clean.

As of right now, a con for animateCamera() is that you don't seem to be able to pass a latitudeDelta and longitudeDelta into the center property like you can with region, specified here.

In short, if you don't need to use a latitudeDelta and longitudeDelta then animateCamera() is the way to go. If I had to speculate, I would say animateToRegion() is going to be deprecated like the other methods sometime in the future in favor of animateCamera().

like image 123
Chris Poe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Chris Poe