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Pros and Cons of implementing a generic custom exception

What are the pros and cons of implementing a custom exception as follows:
Create an enum which represents error messages in its descriptions:

public class Enums
    public enum Errors
        [Description("This is a test exception")]

Create a custom exception class:

public class CustomException : ApplicationException
    protected Enums.Errors _customError;
    public CustomException(Enums.Errors customError)
        this._customError = customError;
    public override string Message
            return this._customError!= Enums.Errors.Base ? this.customError.GetDescription() : base.Message;

The GetDescription method is an enum extension method which gets the enum description using reflection. This way, I can throw exception like:

throw new customException(enums.Errors.TestError);  

And show it to the user in catch block like:


I've seen this approach recommended by an MVP. What are the benefits of this approach over the followings:

  • Using generic exception: throw new Exception("Error Message");.
  • Using Custom Exception: Define custom exceptions for any situation. e.g. (WebServiceException class, AuthenticationException class, etc.)

Here's the link to the recommendation by the MVP.

Thank you.

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Kamyar Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 08:12


2 Answers

Personally, i don't think it's a good idea.

You should always throw as specific exceptions as possible. The same goes for catching.

It's easy to decide if we want to catch a WebServiceException or AuthenticationException, but with your Enum-example, we have to parse a string to decide if we want to catch it or not. What happens if this message changes?

I don't think it has any benefits at all. For each error type, you have to create a new Enum member. Why not create a new class instead?

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alexn Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 21:12


The major advantage of custom exceptions is the language support for differentiation between different exception types. For example

catch( CustomException EX)
    //This is my error that I know how to fix
catch( Exception exa)
    //Somthing else is wrong 

If I use the message Property

catch( Exception exa)
    if(exa.Message == "ErrType 1")
    if(exa.Message == "ErrType 2")

Utilizing The Base enum example can still retain this capability. However you give yourself one place to define your messages, but that is solved in a variety of different ways by applications. The enum example would make creating localized messages pretty simple as It will give you A way to define your message strings independently.

Another Advantage is that you can add Cusotm data that makes sense in you application. Say for example you have a customer information system, and the customer ID is almost always going to be important. If you utilize the message property only, every handler will have to know how to parse out that information if needed.

public class MyCustomeEx : Exception
    int CustID { get; set; }

public void Fail()
    //Awww Customer error
    throw new MyCustomeEx () {CustID = 123}
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rerun Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 21:12
