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Property vs. instance variable

People also ask

What is the difference between property and instance variable?

A property can be backed by an instance variable, but you can also define the getter/setter to do something a bit more dynamic, e.g. you might define a lowerCase property on a string which dynamically creates the result rather than returning the value of some member variable.

Are properties instance variables?

In objective c, a property is an instance variable which can take advantage of an overloaded dot operator to call its setter and getter.

What is difference between instance and variable?

Instance variables are created when an object is created with the use of the keyword 'new' and destroyed when the object is destroyed. Static variables are created when the program starts and destroyed when the program stops. Instance variables can be accessed directly by calling the variable name inside the class.

What is a property variable?

Define Variable Properties is designed to assist you in the process of assigning attributes to variables, including creating descriptive value labels for categorical (nominal, ordinal) variables. Define Variable Properties: Scans the actual data values and lists all unique data values for each selected variable.

Properties are just setters and getters for ivars and should (almost) always be used instead of direct access.

@interface APerson : NSObject {
    // NSString *_name;           //  necessary for legacy runtime

@property(readwrite) NSString *name;


@implementation APerson
@synthesize name;                 // use name = _name for legacy runtime

@synthesize creates in this case those two methods (not 100% accurate):

- (NSString *)name {
    return [[_name copy] autorelease];
- (void)setName:(NSString *)value {
    [value retain];
    [_name release];
    _name = value;

It's easy now to distinguish between ivars and getters/setters. The accessors have got the self. prefix. You shouldn't access the variables directly anyway.

Your sample code doesn't work as it should be:

_myVar = some_other_object;      // _myVar is the ivar, not myVar.
self.myVar = some_other_object;  // works too, uses the accessors

A synthesized property named prop is actually represented by two methods prop (returning the current value of the property) and setProp: (setting a new value for prop).

The self.prop syntax is syntactic sugar for calling one of these accessors. In your example, you can do any one of the following to set the property myVar:

self.myVar = @"foo"; // handles retain/release as specified by your property declaration
[self setMyVar: @"foo"]; // handle retain/release
_myVar = @"Foo"; // does not release old object and does not retain the new object

To access properties, use self.propname. To access instance variables use just the instance variable's name.

The problem with using the @synthesize myVar = _myVar strategy, is I figured that writing code such as:

myVar = some_other_object; // doesn't work.

The compiler complains that myVar is undeclared. Why is that the case?

Because the variable myVar is undeclared.

That statement uses the syntax to access a variable, be it an instance variable or some other kind. As rincewind told you, to access a property, you must use either the property-access syntax (self.myVar = someOtherObject) or an explicit message to the accessor method ([self setMyVar:someOtherObject]).

Otherwise, you're attempting to access a variable, and since you don't have a variable named myVar, you're attempting to access a variable that doesn't exist.

In general, I name my properties the same as my instance variables; this is the default assumption that the @property syntax makes. If you find you're fighting the defaults, you're doing it wrong (or your framework sux, which is not the case for Cocoa/Cocoa-touch in my opinion).

The compiler error you're getting is because property use always has to have an object reference, even inside your own class implementation:

self.stuff = @"foo"; // property setter
[stuff release]; // instance variable
stuff = @"bar"; // instance variable
return self.stuff; // property getter

I know that many Cocoa programmers disagree, but I think it's bad practice to use properties inside your class implementation. I'd rather see something like this:

-(void) someActionWithStuff: (NSString*) theStuff {
    // do something
    [stuff release];
    stuff = [theStuff copy];
    // do something else

than this:

-(void) someActionWithStuff: (NSString*) theStuff {
    // do something
    self.stuff = theStuff;
    // do something else

I prefer to do memory management as explicitly as possible. But even if you disagree, using the self.stuff form will clue in any experienced Objective-C programmer that you're calling a property rather than accessing an instance variable. It's a subtle point that's easy for beginners to gloss over, but after you've worked with Objective-C 2.0 for a while, it's pretty clear.