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Properly-preventing XSS in cross-origin iframe messages

I'm building a site where anyone will be able to interact with my iFrame through the postMessage command (i.e. sandboxed functions, not total control of the window). How can I do that without exposing my visitor's cookies through XSS? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage#Security_concerns

Let's say I have the following receive function:

var secret = localStorage.getItem("secret");

     // any e.origin is allowed
            var string = e.data.string1 * e.data.string2;

     }else if(e.func=="doY"){
            // another javascript function, no DOM interaction
            config[e.data.key] = e.data.value;

     }else if(e.func=="doZ"){

I read on the Mozilla page that allowing request from any origin is pretty dangerous. How can I properly prevent XSS for each of the doX, doY, and doZ scenarious?

I gave it a try too. Are these functions safe?

var secret = localStorage.getItem("secret");

     // any e.origin is allowed
     if(typeof e.func!=Number) return;

     if( e.func < 0 || e.func > 2) return;

     if(e.func==0){ //  we will call this "Safe 0"

            if(e.data.num1 > 1000 || e.data.num2 > 1000) return;
            var num3 = e.data.num1 * e.data.num2;

     }else if(e.func==1){ // safe 1

            if(!isHex(e.data.value))return; // see below for isHex func

            config['something'] = e.data.value;

     }else if(e.func==2){ // safe 2

          if(e.data.title.length < 8) document.getElementById("app")=e.data.title;

          if(e.data.description.length < 15)document.getElementById("description")=e.data.description

function isHex(h) {

    var a = parseInt(h,16);
    return (a.toString(16) === h)


I have learned that HTML input elements will also be inaccessible from the hosting site, meaning that these "postMessage"s are the main source of vulnerability. Source for this last statement: Get value of input field inside an iframe

like image 777
nick carraway Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 06:10

nick carraway

1 Answers

As long as I don't run an eval statement on messages sent using the postMessage function to my window, is there any way arbitrary code can be executed?

Any of the usual client-side JS XSS attack vectors are open.

So as well as eval, you have various eval-by-proxy features (such as new Function()), the effect of inserting data from the message into the DOM in an unsafe fashion, etc.

like image 197
Quentin Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
