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Properly initialising variables in modern C++ (C++11 and above), using () or {}?

The C++ reference pages say that () is for value initialisation, {} is for value and aggregate and list initialisation. So, if I just want value initialisation, which one do I use? () or {}? I'm asking because in the book "A Tour of C++" by Bjarne himself, he seems to prefer using {}, even for value initialisation (see for example pages 6 and 7), and so I thought it was good practice to always use {}, even for value initialisation. However, I've been badly bitten by the following bug recently. Consider the following code.

auto p = std::make_shared<int>(3); auto q{ p }; auto r(p); 

Now according to the compiler (Visual Studio 2013), q has type std::initializer_list<std::shared_ptr<int>>, which is not what I intended. What I actually intended for q is actually what r is, which is std::shared_ptr<int>. So in this case, I should not use {} for value initialisation, but use (). Given this, why does Bjarne in his book still seem to prefer to use {} for value initialisation? For example, he uses double d2{2.3} at the bottom of page 6.

To definitively answer my questions, when should I use () and when should I use {}? And is it a matter of syntax correctness or a matter of good programming practice?

Oh and uh, plain English if possible please.

EDIT: It seems that I've slightly misunderstood value initialisation (see answers below). However the questions above still stands by and large.

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Ray Avatar asked Apr 24 '15 15:04


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Q: When should I initialize with { 0 } vs {}? Use an explicit initialization value if you're actually using that value. Use value initialization if the value is temporary and will be replaced.

1 Answers

Scott Meyers has a fair amount to say about the difference between the two methods of initialization in his book Effective Modern C++.

He summarizes both approaches like this:

Most developers end up choosing one kind of delimiter as a default, using the other only when they have to. Braces-by-default folks are attracted by their unrivaled breadth of applicability, their prohibition of narrowing conversions, and their immunity to C++’s most vexing parse. Such folks understand that in some cases (e.g., creation of a std::vector with a given size and initial element value), parentheses are required. On the other hand, the go-parentheses-go crowd embraces parentheses as their default argument delimiter. They’re attracted to its consistency with the C++98 syntactic tradition, its avoidance of the auto-deduced-a-std::initializer_list problem, and the knowledge that their object creation calls won’t be inadvertently waylaid by std::initializer_list constructors. They concede that sometimes only braces will do (e.g., when creating a container with particular values). There’s no consensus that either approach is better than the other, so my advice is to pick one and apply it consistently.

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Galik Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09
