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Proper nullable type checking in C#?

Ok, my actual problem was this: I was implementing an IList<T>. When I got to CopyTo(Array array, int index), this was my solution:

void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index)
    // Bounds checking, etc here.
    if (!(array.GetValue(0) is T))
        throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast to this type of Array.");
    // Handle copying here.

This worked in my original code, and still works. But it has a small flaw, which wasn't exposed till I started building tests for it, specifically this one:

public void CopyToObjectArray()
    ICollection coll = (ICollection)_list;
    string[] testArray = new string[6];

    coll.CopyTo(testArray, 2);

Now, this test should pass. It throws the ArgumentException about not being able to cast. Why? array[0] == null. The is keyword always returns false when checking a variable that is set to null. Now, this is handy for all sorts of reasons, including avoiding null dereferences, etc. What I finally came up with for my type checking was this:

    T test = (T)array.GetValue(0);
catch (InvalidCastException ex)
    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot cast to this type of Array.", ex);

This isn't exactly elegant, but it works... Is there a better way though?

like image 947
Matthew Scharley Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 06:03

Matthew Scharley

1 Answers

There is a method on Type specifically for this, try:

like image 168
justin.m.chase Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 08:03
