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Proper currency format when not displaying the native currency of a culture

What is the proper way to format currency if you are formatting a currency that is not the native currency of the current culture?

For example, if I am formatting US Dollars for a fr-FR culture do I format it like a en-US culture ($1,000.00) or as an fr-FR culture but changing the Euro symbol to a US Dollar symbol (1 000,00 $). Perhaps something else ($1 000,00 or 1 000,00 USD)?

like image 799
Jamie Horgan Avatar asked May 12 '09 00:05

Jamie Horgan

People also ask

How do you write currency in a country?

Write the country symbol ( US ) first, immediately followed by the dollar sign ($) and the dollar figure: US$ 25.99.

Should currency symbol be before or after number?

Usage. When writing currency amounts, the location of the symbol varies by language. Many currencies in English-speaking countries and Latin America (except Haiti) place it before the amount (e.g., R$50,00).

How different currencies are written?

For US dollars, the symbol '$' is sufficient abbreviation, unless there is a mixture of dollar currencies in the text. For other dollar currencies, '$' should be prefixed with the country abbreviation. For all other currencies, write the figure first followed by the currency name, for example, '100 million yuan'.

1 Answers

There's no absolute rules here but a couple of guiding principles:

  1. Try and use the number format for that locale (eg 1,000.00 in the US would be displayed as 1'000,00 in Germany);
  2. Remember that different currencies can use the same symbol (eg $ is used by Australian and US Dollars) and that there are many currency symbols;
  3. If your site is "single" currency then just use the correct symbol for that currency. By this I mean sites like Amazon, travel sites, shopping sites and so on. These sites are single currency in the sense they are one currency at a time. They won't be displaying Malaysian Ringits and Singapore Dollars at the same time, for example; and
  4. If your site is multi-currency then don't use the symbol at all: use the international standard three letter currency code as defined by ISO 4217 currency names and code elements. Sites like xe.com fit into the category.
like image 62
cletus Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
