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Promote ephemeral IP to static?

I have setup a compute engine VM instance with an ephemeral ip address and would like to make sure that it keeps the IP address, how can I achieve this?

Is there a way to promote the current assigned IP address to static?

I've found some info through google, but that seems to setup a new address for the server, not the current IP address.

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Gerry Avatar asked Feb 11 '16 13:02


People also ask

What is ephemeral IP address?

An ephemeral IP address is an IP address that doesn't persist beyond the life of the resource. For example, when you create an instance or forwarding rule without specifying an IP address, Google Cloud automatically assigns the resource an ephemeral IP address.

1 Answers

According to their documentation, simply go to Networking -> External IP addresses and change the type column to "Static". I've done this myself and it simply makes the same IP address static.

NOTE: You will be charged for the IP addresses that you do not allocate to instances.

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RLHawk Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09
