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Prolog program capable of finding three consecutive and repetitive values



as the title, says, I need to write a program that finds three equal and consecutive values from a List, eg:

find([o,o,a,b,b,b,c,c], X)
X = [b,b,b].

My day to day is functional programming, but I'm struggling a bit with what my program is doing because it never output concrete results (eg: outputs X = [_7714,_7720,_7726])

The program I did is the following:

find(_List, X) :-
    length(X, Size),
    Size = 3,
    format('X = ~w', [X]).

find([Equal, Equal|Tail], X) :-
    append([Equal, Equal], X, Y),
    find([Equal|Tail], Y).

find([Equal, Equal|Tail], _X) :-
    append([Equal, Equal], [], Y),
    find([Equal|Tail], Y).

find([_Equal, Diferent|Tail], _X) :-
    find([Diferent|Tail], []).

What Am I missing here or what Am I confusing in prolog theory. For me, my program makes sense, I can't really understand where the code is being executed in each step (even using trace.).

Any help is totally appreciated! Thanks in advance!

like image 522
nunojmb99 Avatar asked Nov 16 '20 17:11


2 Answers

triple(X) --> [X,X,X].

... --> [] | [_], ... .

find(Xs, X) :-
   phrase(( ..., triple(X), ... ), Xs).

find2(Xs, X) :-
   phrase(( ..., [X,X,X], ... ), Xs).

Note that a name like find/2 does not fit nicely into a descriptive mindset as it suggests an operationalizing viewpoint which will hamper your understanding of Prolog. So instead of issuing commands like "find that sequence", simply describing what is, is often preferable.

like image 143
false Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11


Partial answer only. Using the de facto standard append/3 predicate:

| ?- append(_Suffix, [X,X,X|_Prefix], [o,o,a,b,b,b,c,c]).

X = b ? ;


But going from here to a list with the repeated element should be easy.

like image 37
Paulo Moura Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Paulo Moura