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Prolog implying a negative predicate


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How do you negate a predicate in Prolog?

The negation predicate in prolog is \+ and therefore \+ round(earth) returns true. This limitation of prolog that is a goal cannot be proved then it is false, is called the close world assumption (CWA).

How do you define a predicate in Prolog?

A predicate denotes a property or relationship between objects. Definitions consist of clauses. A clause has a head and a body (Rule) or just a head (Fact). A head consists of a predicate name and arguments.

Why not predicate is used in Prolog?

Prolog in Artificial Intelligence The not predicate is used to negate some statement, which means, when a statement is true, then not(statement) will be false, otherwise if the statement is false, then not(statement) will be true. If X and Y match, then different(X,Y) fails, Otherwise different(X,Y) succeeds.

What does the exclamation mark mean in Prolog?

Prolog provides a predicate that performs this function. It is called the cut, represented by an exclamation point (!). The cut effectively tells Prolog to freeze all the decisions made so far in this predicate. That is, if required to backtrack, it will automatically fail without trying other alternatives.

How can I write the following rule in PROLOG: if P then not Q

I understand that you can easily write if P then Q the predicates like q(X) :- p(X), but how can you negate the q/1 predicate? I don't want to define new predicates with other semantics like non_q/1.