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Project templates in Gitlab upon creation




What is the cleanest way to create a project in a self hosted gitlab with predefined (dynamically generated) files?

Concretely, I want to create a git repo on gitlab that upon creation contains all the files of a basic iOS project already. I just have to clone it and just start developing, instead of creating the project locally and then push it up to Gitlab.


I was looking into the gitlab-shell and the creation hook in gitlab-project: https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlab-shell/blob/master/lib/gitlab_projects.rb

Am I about to embark on a world of pain following this method? Is there something already out there that makes it easy to hook up at the application level?

like image 641
mabounassif Avatar asked Mar 31 '14 23:03


People also ask

What is GitLab CI templates?

yml file. CI/CD templates incorporate your favorite programming language or framework into this YAML file. Instead of building pipelines from scratch, CI/CD templates simplify the process by having parameters already built-in. You can choose one of these templates when you create a gitlab-ci. yml file in the UI.

1 Answers

For GitLab CE (or EE too, if you need more features than the standard templates provide) I propose using this set of tools:

  • configure system hooks in GitLab to make it fire a POST request on project_create events,

  • set up adnanh/webhook as a server that will receive these POST requests and then run egnyte/gitlabform app to configure the new project,

  • create configuration for gitlabform with any files you need. Example:

  url: https://gitlab.yourcompany.com
  # You can also set in your environment GITLAB_TOKEN
  # this can be both private token OR OAuth2 access token
  token: "<private token of an admin user>"
  api_version: 4

  # this assumes that you create your new iOS projects in a "ios" group in GitLab
        # this will prevent resetting the file to below contents if it has already been customized
        overwrite: false
        # this will prevent the commit that applies this file change triggering CI build
        skip_ci: true
          - develop
        content: |
          This is a default project README. Please replace it with a proper one!
          - develop
        # You can provide file contents with external file too. Both absolute and relative paths are supported.
        # Relative paths are interpreted as relative to `config.yml` file location.
        file: some-file.txt

See https://github.com/egnyte/gitlabform for more info about the features, more examples and a full config syntax description.

Disclosure: I am the original author of egnyte/gitlabform app and I have contributed to adnanh/webhook and therefore I like them both. :)

like image 114
Greg Dubicki Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Greg Dubicki