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prohibit the call to System.exit

I'm trying to prohibit the call to System.exit(int); in some jars.

These jars will be developed by external teams and loaded by our "container" application .

My first reflex is to use the java security manager:


with the simplest ${user.home}/.java.policy file :

grant {};

Although I can no longer call such as System.getProperties () (since I do not have java.util.PropertyPermission), I can do a System.exit (0) !!

The option java.security.debug=all gives the following console:

scl: getPerms ProtectionDomain (file: my-bin-path <no sign certificates>)
sun.misc.Launcher $ AppClassLoader @ 10385c1
<no principals>
java.security.Permissions @ 15b7986 (
(java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM)
(java.io.FilePermission \my-bin-path\- read)

Why do all classes in my-bin-path have java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM granted ?????


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kiki Avatar asked Nov 25 '11 14:11


People also ask

Why we should not use System exit()?

because invoking System. exit() kills your JVM, invoking this from Tomcat or Jetty, will not only kill your application but the most likely server itself. This can be potentially dangerous if that server also hosts other critical applications, which is not uncommon at all.

What is alternative to system exit?

The main alternative is Runtime. getRuntime(). halt(0) , described as "Forcibly terminates the currently running Java virtual machine". This does not call shutdown hooks or exit finalizers, it just exits.

What is the use of System exit?

exit() method exits current program by terminating running Java virtual machine. This method takes a status code. A non-zero value of status code is generally used to indicate abnormal termination.

Is it good practice to use System exit in Java?

In most cases we use System. exit(1), if we are calling jar through script and there is an negative use case it is expected to return exit code 1 or above, then the script will capture the code and use it for the further decision.

3 Answers

According to the bug report, http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4286238, the policy file wasn't dis-allowing System.exit() calls. I'm running an application with Java 1.6 and am still seeing this bug despite it being "resolved." Similar to the OP, I have a system wide policy file which does not include a permission for exitVM. However, I am able to exit the application without any exception being thrown.

My understanding of including a custom policy file is that all permissions are blacklisted except those included in the policy file. Since exitVM is not included it should be disallowed (overriding the default permission mentioned by MicSim). But this is not the case.

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eharik Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09


From the Javadoc of RuntimePermission:

Note: The "exitVM.*" permission is automatically granted to all code loaded from the application class path, thus enabling applications to terminate themselves.

Reading this, it seems you have to explicitly deny this permission by writing your own SecurityManager. (For an example, see this answer: Prevent System.exit to actually exit the JVM)

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MicSim Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09


Alternatively you could do AOP and intercept System.exit. Doing that yourself would be: create your own class loader and use BPEL to trace System.exit, and patch those calls. Really not a large effort.

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Joop Eggen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Joop Eggen