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Programming Languages that support XML literals

What are all the programming languages that support XML literals natively or via extension? I know of VB.NET, Scala, and Factor. Any others?

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missingfaktor Avatar asked Oct 12 '10 14:10


People also ask

What programming languages use XML?

XML is not a programming language. There are programming languages that use XML syntax, notably XSL. There is a lot to learn about XML, however. The rules of its syntax, how namespaces and DTDs and schemas work, etc.

Does XML count as a language?

Is XML a programming language? XML is not a programming language. However, as a markup language, it is used to annotate data using tags, which interpret that data.

How many types of programming languages are there?

Yes, there are over 300 programming languages, but you don't need to know them all, and you'll find that each language serves a specific purpose (or several). Compared to spoken languages, most are pretty easy to learn.

2 Answers


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Ken Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


XSLT comes to mind. And yes, it is a programming language.

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Fred Foo Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Fred Foo