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Programmatically Install Certificate into Mozilla

People also ask

How do I accept certificates in Firefox?

It's worth a try. In the search box near the top of the page, type cert and Firefox should filter the list. Click "View Certificates" to open the Certificate Manager and click the "Authorities" tab. Then you can use the "Import" button to import the signing certificate.

Here is an alternative way that doesn't override the existing certificates: [bash fragment for linux systems]

certificateName="MyCA Name" 
for certDB in $(find  ~/.mozilla* ~/.thunderbird -name "cert8.db")
  certDir=$(dirname ${certDB});
  #log "mozilla certificate" "install '${certificateName}' in ${certDir}"
  certutil -A -n "${certificateName}" -t "TCu,Cuw,Tuw" -i ${certificateFile} -d ${certDir}

You may find certutil in the libnss3-tools package (debian/ubuntu).


See also:

The easiest way is to import the certificate into a sample firefox-profile and then copy the cert8.db to the users you want equip with the certificate.

First import the certificate by hand into the firefox profile of the sample-user. Then copy

  • /home/${USER}/.mozilla/firefox/${randomalphanum}.default/cert8.db (Linux/Unix)

  • %userprofile%\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%randomalphanum%.default\cert8.db (Windows)

into the users firefox-profiles. That's it. If you want to make sure, that new users get the certificate automatically, copy cert8.db to:

  • /etc/firefox-3.0/profile (Linux/Unix)

  • %programfiles%\firefox-installation-folder\defaults\profile (Windows)

Just wanted to add to an old thread to hopefully aid other people. I needed programmatically add a cert to the firefox database using a GPO, this was how I did it for Windows

1, First download and unzip the precompiled firefox NSS nss-3.13.5-nspr-4.9.1-compiled-x86.zip

2, Add the cert manually to firefox Options-->Advanced--Certificates-->Authorities-->Import

3, from the downloaded NSS package, run

certutil -L -d c:\users\[username]\appdata\roaming\mozilla\firefox\[profile].default    

4, The above query will show you the certificate name and Trust Attributes e.g.

my company Ltd                                CT,C,C    

5, Delete the certificate in step 2. Options-->Advanced--Certificates-->Authorities-->Delete

6, Create a powershell script using the information from step 4 as follows. This script will get the users profile path and add the certificate. This only works if the user has one firefox profile (need somehow to retrieve the users firefox folder profile name)

#Script adds Radius Certificate to independent Firefox certificate store since the browser does not use the Windows built in certificate store    

#Get Firefox profile cert8.db file from users windows profile path
$ProfilePath = "C:\Users\" + $env:username + "\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\"
$ProfilePath = $ProfilePath + (Get-ChildItem $ProfilePath | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }).ToString()

#Update firefox cert8.db file with Radius Certificate
certutil -A -n "UK my company" -t "CT,C,C" -i CertNameToAdd.crt -d $ProfilePath    

7, Create GPO as a User Configuration to run the PowerShell script

Hope that helps save someone time

Firefox now (since 58) uses a SQLite database cert9.db instead of legacy cert8.db. I have made a fix to a solution presented here to make it work with new versions of Firefox:

certificateName="MyCA Name" 
for certDB in $(find  ~/.mozilla* ~/.thunderbird -name "cert9.db")
  certDir=$(dirname ${certDB});
  #log "mozilla certificate" "install '${certificateName}' in ${certDir}"
  certutil -A -n "${certificateName}" -t "TCu,Cuw,Tuw" -i ${certificateFile} -d sql:${certDir}

Recent versions of Firefox support a policies.json file that will be applied to all Firefox profiles.

For CA certificates, you have some options, here's one example, tested with Linux/Ubuntu where I already have system-wide CA certs in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates:

In /usr/lib/firefox/distribution/policies.json

    "policies": {
        "Certificates": {
            "Install": [

Support for Thunderbird is on its way.

On Windows 7 with Firefox 10, the cert8.db file is stored at %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\########.default\cert8.db. If you are an administrator, you can probably write a simple WMI application to copy the file to the User's respective folder.

Also, a solution that worked for me from http://www.appdeploy.com/messageboards/tm.asp?m=52532&mpage=1&key=&#52532

  1. Copied CERTUTIL.EXE from the NSS zip file ( http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/tools/ ) to C:\Temp\CertImport (I also placed the certificates I want to import there)

  2. Copied all the dll's from the NSS zip file to C\:Windows\System32

  3. Created a BAT file in %Appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles with this script...

    Set FFProfdir=%Appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles 
    Set CERTDIR=C:\Temp\CertImport 
    DIR /A:D /B > "%Temp%\FFProfile.txt" 
    FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in (%Temp%\FFProfile.txt) do ( 
    CD /d "%FFProfDir%\%%i" 
    COPY cert8.db cert8.db.orig /y 
    For %%x in ("%CertDir%\Cert1.crt") do "%Certdir%\certutil.exe" -A -n "Cert1" -i "%%x" -t "TCu,TCu,TCu" -d . 
    For %%x in ("%CertDir%\Cert2.crt") do "%Certdir%\certutil.exe" -A -n "Cert2" -i "%%x" -t "TCu,TCu,TCu" -d . 
    DEL /f /q "%Temp%\FFProfile.txt" 
  4. Executed the BAT file with good results.