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Programmatically `git checkout .` with dulwich

Having this code

from dulwich.objects import Blob, Tree, Commit, parse_timezone
from dulwich.repo import Repo
from time import time

repo = Repo.init("myrepo", mkdir=True)
blob = Blob.from_string("my file content\n")
tree = Tree()
tree.add("spam", 0100644, blob.id)
commit = Commit()
commit.tree = tree.id

author = "Flav <[email protected]>"
commit.author = commit.committer = author
commit.commit_time = commit.author_time = int(time())
tz = parse_timezone('+0200')[0]
commit.commit_timezone = commit.author_timezone = tz
commit.encoding = "UTF-8"
commit.message = "initial commit"

o_sto = repo.object_store

repo.refs["HEAD"] = commit.id

I end up with the commit in the history, BUT the created file is pending for deletion (git status says so).

A git checkout . fixes it.

My question is: how to do git checkout . programmatically with dulwich?

like image 701
Flavius Avatar asked Jul 10 '11 10:07


1 Answers

Git status says it's deleted because the file doesn't exist in the working copy, that's why checking it out fixes the status.

It looks like there's no support for high-level working copy classes and functions in dulwich yet. You'd have to deal with trees and blobs and unpacking objects.

OK, took the challenge: I could make a basic checkout with Dulwich :

#get repository object of current directory
repo = Repo('.')
#get tree corresponding to the head commit
tree_id = repo["HEAD"].tree
#iterate over tree content, giving path and blob sha.
for entry in repo.object_store.iter_tree_contents(tree_id):
  path = entry.in_path(repo.path).path
  with open(path, 'wb') as file:
    #write blob's content to file

It won't delete files that must be deleted, won't care about your index, etc.
See also Mark Mikofski's github project for more complete code based on this.

like image 51
CharlesB Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
