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Programmatically create pass for passkit on device?

I am trying to find a way to generate a pass for passkit on the device its self after it received the information to put in a pass over the network.

Does anyone know if this can be done / how to do this?

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Nirma Avatar asked Nov 01 '12 18:11


1 Answers

Refer to: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/PassKit_PG/YourFirst.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012195-CH2-SW1

Basically: Not easily (if at all), you need to be able to sign your pass using signpass, a command line utility in order to make it readable by devices. This will cause a lot of hassle and distress, as you can't run another process on iOS, and to convert the signpass code to run on the device might not be possible either.

What I would suggest is to sign your pass on the server/wherever the data is coming from, and send both the information and the generated .pkpass to the device. This is how it was designed, and how it should be used. Read the docs for more information, they're very clear.

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WDUK Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10