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Programmatically change Redux-Form Field value

When I use redux-form v7, I find there is no way to set the field value. Now in my form, I have two select component. The second's value will be clear when the first select component value changed.

In class render:

<div className={classNames(style.line, style.largeLine)}>   <div className={style.lable}>site:</div>   <div className={style.content}>     <Field       name="site"       options={sites}       clearable={false}       component={this.renderSelectField}       validate={[required]}     />   </div> </div>  <div className={classNames(style.line, style.largeLine)}>   <div className={style.lable}>net:</div>   <div className={style.content}>     <Field       name="net"       options={nets}       clearable={false}       component={this.renderSelectField}       validate={[required]}       warning={warnings.net}     />   </div> </div> 

Now I add the select change hook, and how can I change the other select value

renderSelectField = props => {   const {     input,     type,     meta: { touched, error },     ...others   } = props   const { onChange } = input   const _onChange = value => {     onChange(value)     this.handleSelectChange({ value, type: input.name })   }   return (     <CHSelect        error={touched && error}       {...input}       {...others}       onChange={_onChange}       onBlur={null}     />   ) } 
like image 598
taven Avatar asked Jul 21 '17 06:07


1 Answers

You can have the onChange logic in this.handleSelectChange({ value, type: input.name }) and use change action from redux-form

According to the docs:

change(field:String, value:any) : Function

Changes the value of a field in the Redux store. This is a bound action creator, so it returns nothing.


import { change } from "redux-form";  handleSelectChange = (value, type) => {   if (type === "site") {     this.props.change('net', "newValue");   } }  const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {   return bindActionCreators({change}, dispatch); } 
like image 77
Shubham Khatri Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10

Shubham Khatri