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Programatically adding Secrets to Key Vault in C#

I am attempting to put some output from a service I am running in a Key Vault in Azure. The output of my service will be user credentials which is why I want to use Key Vault for this purpose.

So far, I have tried the KeyVaultClient's SetSecretAsync method, but it's not working for me, I am not getting any error messages however I'm also not seeing a new secret created in my targetted KeyVault. I have not been able to find a KeyVaultClient Add Secret method as it does not exist, am I using the right object/method here?

The method in question here is AddResult.

Here is my code:

    private static AzureKeyVault instance;
    private static KeyVaultClient client;
    private AzureKeyVault()
        //initialize the azure key vault
        var vaultAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VaultUri"];
        client = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(GetAccessToken));

    public static async Task<string> GetAccessToken(string authority, string resource, string scope)
        var clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientID"];
        var clientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientSecret"];
        ClientCredential clientCredential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);

        var context = new AuthenticationContext(authority, TokenCache.DefaultShared);
        var result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientCredential);

        return result.AccessToken;

    public static AzureKeyVault GetInstance
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new AzureKeyVault();
            return instance;

    public void AddResult(string machineIPAndPort, BruteForceResult result)
        client.SetSecretAsync("https://vaultURI(redacted).vault.azure.net/", machineIPAndPort, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));
like image 439
Kyle Bachmann Avatar asked Feb 05 '23 04:02

Kyle Bachmann

1 Answers

Use patience (await creation).

// Let's create a secret and read it back
string vaultBaseUrl = "https://alice.vault.azure.net";
string secret = "from-NET-SDK";

// Await SetSecretAsync
KeyVaultClient keyclient = new KeyVaultClient(GetToken);
var result = keyclient.SetSecretAsync(vaultBaseUrl, secret, "Sup3eS3c5et").Result;

// Print indented JSON response
string prettyResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented);
Console.WriteLine($"SetSecretAsync completed: {prettyResult}\n");

// Read back secret
string secretUrl = $"{vaultBaseUrl}/secrets/{secret}";
var secretWeJustWroteTo = keyclient.GetSecretAsync(secretUrl).Result;
Console.WriteLine($"secret: {secretWeJustWroteTo.Id} = {secretWeJustWroteTo.Value}");


SetSecretAsync completed:


secret: https://alice.vault.azure.net/secrets/from-NET-SDK/59793... = Sup3eS3c5et

What you should really do is rewrite AddResult():

public bool AddResult(string machineIPAndPort, BruteForceResult result)
    await result = client.SetSecretAsync("https://vaultURI(redacted).vault.azure.net/",
        machineIPAndPort, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));

    return true;

And maybe wrap that in a try-catch and read the InnerException since that's where the meaningful HTTP response body will be. For example, making the request against a Key Vault i don't have access to results in:


And also because this is the cloud, you're in for fierce competition with other mission critical traffic, things will fail.

like image 176
evilSnobu Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 18:02
