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Program I just made is apparently a virus? C++



Okay so I just made a C++ program that is basically a notebook, you write stuff in it and it saves it to a .dat file and then you can read it later.

I compiled it with Microsoft Visual C++ and now I sent it to a friend and it's saying that it is a virus? I scan it online and it also says that it's a virus. I don't know why this is happening, as I literally just used some if/else statements, created some strings and used a couple getlines. (and fstream to create the .dat files).

This is the virus report: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/a1b72280a32915429607fd5abeef1aad4f8310867df1feb7707ea0f7a404026e/analysis/1455735299/

Here is my code. (Its 400+ lines). And I'm almost certain there's nothing wrong with it. http://pastebin.com/ZwJZrRSu

Any idea why this is happening?

like image 878
Aaron Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 06:03


1 Answers

Most probably your PC is already infected by a virus, which adds itself to any executable it can find on your machine. That would easily explain this behavior. Try to compile the same program on PC that is clean for sure and check your PC by antivirus.

like image 128
Slava Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 23:03
