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Program has more than one entry point defined? CS0017 Problem with main()?

When I try an run the code below in visual studio I get the following error : "Program has more than one entry point defined. Compile with /main to specify the type that contains the entry point. "

I've tried finding other entry points but am not that experienced with c# and having trouble with this. To my understanding everything should be correct.

namespace Demos
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using Applitools;
using Applitools.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

public class HelloWorld2
    static string appName = "Hello World 2 App C#";

    // change the value of testName so that it has a unique value on your Eyes system
    static string testName = "Hello World 2 v1";

    // if you have a dedicated Eyes server, set the value of the variable serverURLstr to your URL
    static string serverURLstr = "https://eyesapi.applitools.com";

    //set the value of runAsBatch to true so that the tests run as a single batch
    static Boolean runAsBatch = true;

    // set the value of changeTest to true to introduce changes that Eyes will detect as mismatches
    static Boolean changeTest = true;

    static string weburl = "https://applitools.com/helloworld2";

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var eyes = new Eyes();
        eyes.ServerUrl = serverURLstr;

        var viewportSizeLandscape = new Size(/*width*/1024, /*height*/ 768);
        var viewportSizePortrait = new Size(/*width*/500, /*height*/ 900);
        IWebDriver innerDriver = new ChromeDriver();

        if (!changeTest) 
            Test01(innerDriver, eyes, viewportSizeLandscape);
            Test01Changed(innerDriver, eyes, viewportSizePortrait);
            Test01Changed(innerDriver, eyes, viewportSizeLandscape);
            Test01Changed(innerDriver, eyes, viewportSizePortrait);

    private static void Test01(IWebDriver innerDriver, Eyes eyes, Size viewportSize) 
        // Start the test and set the browser's viewport size
        IWebDriver driver = eyes.Open(innerDriver, appName, testName, viewportSize);
            driver.Url = weburl;
            eyes.CheckWindow("Before enter name");                 // Visual checkpoint 1

            driver.FindElement(By.Id("name")).SendKeys("My Name"); //enter the name
            eyes.CheckWindow("After enter name");                  // Visual checkpoint 2

            driver.FindElement(By.TagName("button")).Click();      // Click the  button
            eyes.CheckWindow("After Click");                       // Visual checkpoint 3

            Applitools.TestResults result = eyes.Close(false);     //false means don't thow exception for failed tests
        catch (Exception ex)

    private static void HandleResult(TestResults result) 
        string resultStr;
        string url = result.Url;
        if (result == null) 
            resultStr = "Test aborted";
            url = "undefined";
            url = result.Url;
            int totalSteps = result.Steps;
            if (result.IsNew) 
                resultStr = "New Baseline Created: " + totalSteps + " steps";
            else if (result.IsPassed) 
                resultStr = "All steps passed:     " + totalSteps + " steps";
                resultStr = "Test Failed     :     " + totalSteps + " steps";
                resultStr += " matches=" +  result.Matches;      /*  matched the baseline */
                resultStr += " missing=" + result.Missing;       /* missing in the test*/
                resultStr += " mismatches=" + result.Mismatches; /* did not match the baseline */
        resultStr += "\n" + "results at " + url;

     private static void Test01Changed(IWebDriver innerDriver, Eyes eyes, Size viewportSize) 
        // Start the test and set the browser's viewport size
        IWebDriver driver = eyes.Open(innerDriver, appName, testName, viewportSize);
            string webUrlToUse = weburl;
            if (changeTest) 
                webUrlToUse += "?diff2";
            driver.Url = webUrlToUse;
            if (!changeTest) 
                eyes.CheckWindow("Before enter name");             // Visual checkpoint 1
            driver.FindElement(By.Id("name")).SendKeys("My Name"); //enter the name
            eyes.CheckWindow("After enter name");                  // Visual checkpoint 2

            driver.FindElement(By.TagName("button")).Click();      // Click the  button
            eyes.CheckWindow("After click");                       // Visual checkpoint 3

            if (changeTest) 
                eyes.CheckWindow("After click again");             // Visual checkpoint 3
            TestResults result = eyes.Close(false); //false means don't thow exception for failed tests
        catch (Exception ex)

    private static void setup(Eyes eyes) 
        eyes.ApiKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPLITOOLS_API_KEY");
        if (runAsBatch)
            var batchInfo = new Applitools.BatchInfo("Hello World 2 Batch");
            eyes.Batch = batchInfo;
        //eliminate artifacts caused by a blinking cursor - on by default in latest SDK
        eyes.IgnoreCaret = true;
like image 549
md22 Avatar asked Jul 31 '19 15:07


2 Answers

Try adding this to your .csproj project file:

like image 109
Thijs Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11


This can happen if you add a reference to Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk.

So, if it is just console app and not a test project, remove the reference to Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk.

like image 44
Jahmic Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
