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Profiling Mathematica Code

Is there a good way to profile code in Mathematica? I would like to be able to recurse (i.e., if I say f[a_] := b[a], then Profile[f[1]] should give almost the same output as Profile[b[1]]), but I'll settle for being able to do something like applying Timing to every relevant subexpression. It would be nice if I didn't have to special-case things like Module, but I'd like, e.g., Profile[Module[{x=1+2},x!]] to give me an output like

Time    Expression         Result
0       1                  1
0       2                  2
0       1 + 2              3
0       x$1234             3   
0       x$1234 !           6
0       Module[{x=1+2},x!] 6

like image 720
Jason Gross Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 01:11

Jason Gross

2 Answers

Yes, Wolfram Workbench does have a profiler, although according to the documentation the output isn't quite in the form you want.

I should note that the issue raised by Mr.Wizard in comments - that cached results will lead to different timing results - can also apply in profile.

If you wanted to do something exclusively in Mathematica, you could try something like:

    TableForm[#[[{1,3,2}]]&/@ (Join @@@ ({Timing[f[#]],#} & /@ inputs))]

If you were happy enough to have the output as {timing,output, input}, rather than {timing, input, output} as specified in your question, you could get rid of the #[[{1,3,2}]] bit.


Since I have Workbench, here is an example. I have a package AdvancedPlots which includes a function CobwebPlot (and yes, the function itself could improved).

CobwebPlot[x_?MatrixQ, opts___Rule] /; 
  And @@ (NumericQ /@ Flatten[x]) :=   
 Module[{n, \[Theta]s, numgrids, grids, struts, gridstyle, min, max, 
   data, labels, epilabels, pad},
  n = Length[First[x]];
  \[Theta]s = (2 \[Pi])/n Range[0, n] + If[OddQ[n], \[Pi]/2, 0];
  numgrids = 
   If[IntegerQ[#] && Positive[#], #, 
      NumberofGrids /. 
       Options[CobwebPlot] ] & @ (NumberofGrids /. {opts});
  {min, max} = {Min[#], Max[#]} &@ Flatten[x];
  gridstyle = GridStyle /. {opts} /. Options[CobwebPlot];
  pad = CobwebPadding /. {opts} /. Options[CobwebPlot];
  grids = 
   Outer[List, \[Theta]s, FindDivisions[{0, max + 1}, numgrids]];
  struts = Transpose[grids];
  labels = CobwebLabels /. {opts} /. Options[CobwebPlot];
  epilabels = 
   If[Length[labels] == n, 
      labels, (1.2 max) Transpose[{Cos[Most[\[Theta]s]], 
         Sin[Most[\[Theta]s]]}]]], None];
  data = Map[Reverse, 
    Inner[List, Join[#, {First[#]}] & /@ x, \[Theta]s, List], {2}];
  Show[ListPolarPlot[grids, gridstyle, Joined -> True, Axes -> False, 
    PlotRangePadding -> pad], 
   ListPolarPlot[struts, gridstyle, Joined -> True, Axes -> False], 
    Sequence @@ FilterRules[{opts}, Options[ListPolarPlot]], 
    Sequence @@ 
     FilterRules[Options[CobwebPlot], Options[ListPolarPlot]], 
    Joined -> True, Axes -> None] , 
   If[Length[labels] == n, Graphics /@ epilabels, 
    Sequence @@ FilterRules[{opts}, Options[Graphics]] ]]

Running the package in Debug mode

And then running this notebook

enter image description here

Gives the following output.

enter image description here

like image 82
Verbeia Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10


As belisarius showed in answer to the question I linked above, it appears that Wolfram Workbench includes a profiler. I do not use Workbench however, so I cannot detail its use.

like image 38
Mr.Wizard Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10
