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Profiling a python multiprocessing pool

I'm trying to run cProfile.runctx() on each process in a multiprocessing pool, to get an idea of what the multiprocessing bottlenecks are in my source. Here is a simplified example of what I'm trying to do:

from multiprocessing import Pool
import cProfile

def square(i):
    return i*i

def square_wrapper(i):
    cProfile.runctx("result = square(i)",
        globals(), locals(), "file_"+str(i))
    # NameError happens here - 'result' is not defined.
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pool = Pool(8)
    results = pool.map_async(square_wrapper, range(15)).get(99999)
    print results

Unfortunately, trying to execute "result = square(i)" in the profiler does not affect 'result' in the scope it was called from. How can I accomplish what I am trying to do here?

like image 804
Fragsworth Avatar asked Sep 12 '09 10:09


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What is Python multiprocessing pool?

The multiprocessing. pool. Pool in Python provides a pool of reusable processes for executing ad hoc tasks. A process pool can be configured when it is created, which will prepare the child workers. A process pool object which controls a pool of worker processes to which jobs can be submitted.

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1 Answers

Try this:

def square_wrapper(i):
    result = [None]
    cProfile.runctx("result[0] = square(i)", globals(), locals(), "file_%d" % i)
    return result[0]
like image 154
Cat Plus Plus Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 17:11

Cat Plus Plus