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Profiler for a Grails Application


Are there any tools that can identify the total memory usage, cpu, and other information on resources of a specific grails web application deployed in a Tomcat server?

Also, if my grails app is using Quartz plugin, can anyone tell me how to profile a specific job instance?


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firnnauriel Avatar asked Aug 03 '10 09:08


1 Answers

I am using a bunch of tools for profiling and monitoring my own grails application. Here are the plugins/tools that help me to achieve this and work without any problems:

  1. JavaMelody plugin : this tool is a must-have. Just install the plugin and go to /myapp/monitoring and you're done. You'll get all information you need on cpu, mem usage, sql queries, http errors...It should be enough for your needs described in your question

  2. Application Info plugin : this very recent plugin is very useful and almost indispensable. It gives you various info about your application status. For your concerns, you will have access to graphs describing memory usage, information about sessions (opened or closed), detailed information on every aspect of your hibernate layer (cache, tables, entities...). Above all, this plugin is developped and supported by Burt Beckwith, member of SpringSource team.

  3. Perf4j plugin : This plugin helps you collecting performance statistics with minimal effort. I am using it but it has better use whe tuning your application

You can also use other plugins/tools like : p6spy (for logging of SQL queries), Grails Audit Logging plugin (for tracking changes of domain objects) or Profiler plugin for which I can guarantee that they work correctly (not the case for all plugins!).

All of these plugins you can find by tag performance in Grails plugins portal

I hope it helps.

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fabien7474 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
