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Profile is not an "iOS App Store" profile

Using Xcode 9.

  1. Working on app store build validation.
  2. Created an app with app store profile.
  3. Archived successfully
  4. Trying to validate build in Organizer, I am getting the following error on selecting the profile.

enter image description here This is the same profile used to archive and it is an app store profile.

2 Queries

  1. How to identify a profile if it is ad-hoc or app store
  2. Why did this happen?Pretty sure this is an appstore profile.
like image 956
Lithu T.V Avatar asked Sep 28 '17 17:09

Lithu T.V

People also ask

What is iOS app Store profile?

The profiles resource represents the provisioning profiles that allow you to install apps on your iOS devices or Mac. You can create and delete provisioning profiles, and download them to sign your code. Provisioning profiles include signing certificates, device identifiers, and a bundle ID.

What is a provisioning profile app store?

A Distribution Provisioning Profile is a combination of your App ID and Distribution Certificates. It authorizes your app to use particular services (like Push Notifications) and ensures that your app is submitted by you.

How do I select a profile in Xcode?

Select Xcode > Preferences from the navigation bar. At the top of the window select Accounts . Select your Apple ID and your team, then select Download Manual Profiles . Go to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ and your profiles should be there.

What is iOS group app?

App groups allow multiple apps produced by a single development team to access shared containers and communicate using interprocess communication (IPC). Apps may belong to one or more app groups. For iOS, format the identifier as follows: group.<group name>

2 Answers

Just had the same issue

All you need to do is to delete your provisioning profile and create another one on Apple Developer site.


  • 1) The only info we have about it is the Development or Distribution label on the profile itself
  • 2) I can't say it for sure, but maybe Xcode 9 signing doesn't recognize old profiles the same way it once did.
like image 89
Rubens Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09


If all else fails try using the Application Loader. I almost just default to the Application Loader nowadays with how ridiculously buggy the Xcode upload process is version after version.

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Aaron Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
