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Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement

I am trying to upload an app to the app store and I am getting this error on the page that has the certs. As far as I can tell I have changed the field so they have matched, but I am missing something.

this is what pops up

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Paul Raymond Avatar asked Sep 11 '17 05:09

Paul Raymond

People also ask

How do I add entitlements to my provisioning profile?

To use this special entitlement you must create a new provisioning profile in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of your developer account and select the entitlement after the “Do you need additional entitlements?” page.

How do I set entitlements in Xcode?

Select iOS > Resource > Property List. Name the new file " foo. entitlements " (typically, " foo " is the target name) Click the (+) next to "Entitlements File" to add a top-level item (the property list editor will use the correct schema due to the file extension)

What is entitlements file in Xcode?

An app stores its entitlements as key-value pairs embedded in the code signature of its binary executable. You configure entitlements for your app by declaring capabilities for a target in Xcode. Xcode records capabilities that you add in a property list file with the . entitlements extension.

3 Answers

I'm not sure why this fixed it, but I went into my Target's Capabilities tab, turned iCloud ON, tried to do an archive build, it failed, I turned iCloud OFF again, tried to do an Archive build and it succeeded, and after that it was able to automatically resolve certificates again.

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samkass Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10


Rightclick on Finder -> Go to Folder...


For Xcode 11

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/

Delete all provisioning profiles, done.

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Nidhi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10


The app you created has an incorrect application-identifier value, for what the provisioning profile is expecting. The cert for appID com.example.foo for the team 2ABCDEFG will be expecting application-identifier: 2ABCDEFG.com.example.foo, your app declared that its appID was com.example.foo, but the application-identifier didn't match, either you are using the wrong team-prefix, or you have the bundleID misconfigured.

In my case, I am using build schemes to allow me to build a prod app and a qa app. com.example.foo for prod, and com.example.foo.qa for QA.

I had set my bundleIdentifier in the Info.plist to $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)$(BUNDLE_SUFFIX), which works great in the simulator and on device for having different apps, however, when the app generates its application-identifer during the archive phase, it must not be reading the bundleIdentifier generated by the Info.plist.

To remedy the situation, I edited FooProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (with a text editor) to change my QA buildSettings PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER to com.example.foo.qa

You can see Apple's Technical Q&A and this page to see their in depth dive into solving this. Once you run the following on your exported app:

codesign -d --entitlements :- ./Payload/myApp.app

and see what application-identifier your app was just built with, it should be pretty quick to realize what your are doing wrong.

I didn't find that page in my Google searching, because they don't actually use the phrase from the error message or call the application-identifier by its full name, but instead say App ID.

Also, the solution to this problem isn't to generate a new provisioning profile that has the application-identifier entitlement, it does have that entitlement, however, the value in the provisioning profile, and your app have to match.

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Peter Dietz Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

Peter Dietz