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productbuild: add third-party product archive to installer?

I need to make Mac OS app installer, which also installs other third-party package.

When trying to add it via productbuild --synthesize, it tells "ThirdPartyPackage.pkg is a product archive, not a component package".

So, how should I correctly insert third-party product installer into my installer?

like image 907
Nickolay Olshevsky Avatar asked Jun 12 '14 15:06

Nickolay Olshevsky

1 Answers

You can actually split up a "product archive" into its component packages by using:

pkgutil --expand your_product_archive.pkg some_folder

This will create the some_folder directory with the contents of the product archive.

like image 163
ereOn Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
