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Product images not showing after server migration prestashop

I have migrated my prestashop 1.5.6 e-commerce site to a new server,

Process i did was just upload the files to new server and import the db.

I cleaned the Cache/smarty/compile and Cache/smarty/cache folders and left the index.php file.

I tried regenerating thumbnails from Preferences/images page but didn't work and gave "Internal server error".

I changed the process configuration to FcgidBusyTimeout 3600 in /etc/httpd/conf.d/fcgid.conf

I tried again to regenerate and this time, it is gave that : Original images not found in /img/p/1/2/xxx, But in reality all my images are in /img/p/xxxx.png

I tried using the Move Images to New image structure function in Preferences/images page and it created the structure but 1400+ images are not found now !!

Anyhelp will be more then welcome !

Updated : 27 June 2014 I lost hope after 48 hrs of finding and trying different solutions, reverted version back to backup copy of store, and not managing the store anymore. lost client..

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Hasan Nawaz Avatar asked Jan 21 '14 23:01

Hasan Nawaz

1 Answers

Did you regenerated your .htaccess? To do so, go to preferences>SEO and URLs and click save. This will automatically refresh a line in that file depending on your new server configuration.

If not, try to regenerate the thumbnails (Preferences>images>regenerate thumbs). Since you have a lot of images, Try to regenerate type by type because the process take a lot of time and it is better to know where it stops if it is interrupted.

Of course, all manips are better done in development environment.

good luck.

like image 54
Adib Aroui Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 17:10

Adib Aroui