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producing a "live" graph with D3



I've recently started learning to use the D3.js framework and, while it seems like it's been designed to do exactly what I want, I can't find a simple example of a "live" updating graph.

I'm looking for something like a line chart that updates as new data becomes available. New data would be obtained either by hitting a json url with a "last seen" timestamp or some other AJAX-y method.

edit: The D3 part of the answer is here:


Now, how do people recommend getting the new data from the server to the client?

like image 756
Chris Withers Avatar asked Oct 06 '12 23:10

Chris Withers

People also ask

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D3 is often preferred over other data visualization tools as it is a very flexible tool that can provide dynamic properties to most of its functions. With D3, there are no standard visualization formats.

Is Plotly based on D3?

To be fair, Plotly is built on top of d3. js (and stack.gl). The main difference between D3 and Plotly is that Plotly is specifically a charting library.

What can D3js do?

D3 allows you to bind arbitrary data to a Document Object Model (DOM), and then apply data-driven transformations to the document. For example, you can use D3 to generate an HTML table from an array of numbers. Or, use the same data to create an interactive SVG bar chart with smooth transitions and interaction.

1 Answers

This tutorial can help you a lot to create a real time line graph: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/path/

I would like to add a few more comments:

Asynchronous data

When you do a real time graph, you often get the data asynchroneously, thus you cannot know the exact time between each "point".

  • For the line, you are lucky because the line described in the tutorial doesn't care about that.
  • For the duration to have a smooth transition effect, it is trickier. The key is to set the duration to be the time between the last frame and the previous one. This is also a good approximation for the next one as the network has almost always the same throughput.

Y Axis

On a conventional line graph, it is easy to determine the y domain. However with live data, the y value can often go off limit. This is why I would recommend calling a function to set the y domain at each iteration. You can also create a bounding box.


As the data is always added you might want to be very attentive to the fact that you HAVE to delete the values you don't use anymore, otherwise your data will keep getting heavier and the whole animation might crash.

like image 165
Christopher Chiche Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09

Christopher Chiche