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Producer/ Consumer pattern using threads and EventWaitHandle

I guess it is sort of a code review, but here is my implementation of the producer / consumer pattern. What I would like to know is would there be a case in which the while loops in the ReceivingThread() or SendingThread() methods might stop executing. Please note that EnqueueSend(DataSendEnqeueInfo info) is called from multiple different threads and I probably can't use tasks here since I definitely have to consume commands in a separate thread.

private Thread mReceivingThread;
private Thread mSendingThread;
private Queue<DataRecievedEnqeueInfo> mReceivingThreadQueue;
private Queue<DataSendEnqeueInfo> mSendingThreadQueue;
private readonly object mReceivingQueueLock = new object();
private readonly object mSendingQueueLock = new object();
private bool mIsRunning;
EventWaitHandle mRcWaitHandle;
EventWaitHandle mSeWaitHandle;

private void ReceivingThread()
    while (mIsRunning)
        DataRecievedEnqeueInfo item = null;
        while (mReceivingThreadQueue.Count > 0)
            lock (mReceivingQueueLock)
                item = mReceivingThreadQueue.Dequeue();

private void SendingThread()
    while (mIsRunning)
        while (mSendingThreadQueue.Count > 0)
            DataSendEnqeueInfo item = null;
            lock (mSendingQueueLock)
                item = mSendingThreadQueue.Dequeue();

internal void EnqueueRecevingData(DataRecievedEnqeueInfo info)
    lock (mReceivingQueueLock)

public void EnqueueSend(DataSendEnqeueInfo info)
     lock (mSendingQueueLock)

P.S the idea here is that am using WaitHandles to put thread to sleep when the queue is empty, and signal them to start when new items are enqueued.

UPDATE I am just going to leave this https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/benwilli/2015/09/10/tasks-are-still-not-threads-and-async-is-not-parallel/ ,for people who might be trying to implement Producer/Consumer pattern using TPL or tasks.

like image 797
Sushant Poojary Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 20:12

Sushant Poojary

1 Answers

Use a BlockingCollection instead of Queue, EventWaitHandle and lock objects:

public class DataInfo { }

private Thread mReceivingThread;
private Thread mSendingThread;

private BlockingCollection<DataInfo> queue;

private CancellationTokenSource receivingCts = new CancellationTokenSource();

private void ReceivingThread()
        while (!receivingCts.IsCancellationRequested)
            // This will block until an item is added to the queue or the cancellation token is cancelled
            DataInfo item = queue.Take(receivingCts.Token);

    catch (OperationCanceledException)


internal void EnqueueRecevingData(DataInfo info)
    // When a new item is produced, just add it to the queue

// To cancel the receiving thread, cancel the token
private void CancelReceivingThread()
like image 70
Serge Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 05:12
