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ProcessPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures way slower than multiprocessing.Pool

I was experimenting with the new shiny concurrent.futures module introduced in Python 3.2, and I've noticed that, almost with identical code, using the Pool from concurrent.futures is way slower than using multiprocessing.Pool.

This is the version using multiprocessing:

def hard_work(n):     # Real hard work here     pass  if __name__ == '__main__':     from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count      try:         workers = cpu_count()     except NotImplementedError:         workers = 1     pool = Pool(processes=workers)     result = pool.map(hard_work, range(100, 1000000)) 

And this is using concurrent.futures:

def hard_work(n):     # Real hard work here     pass  if __name__ == '__main__':     from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, wait     from multiprocessing import cpu_count     try:         workers = cpu_count()     except NotImplementedError:         workers = 1     pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers)     result = pool.map(hard_work, range(100, 1000000)) 

Using a naïve factorization function taken from this Eli Bendersky article, these are the results on my computer (i7, 64-bit, Arch Linux):

[juanlu@nebulae]─[~/Development/Python/test] └[10:31:10] $ time python pool_multiprocessing.py   real    0m10.330s user    1m13.430s sys 0m0.260s [juanlu@nebulae]─[~/Development/Python/test] └[10:31:29] $ time python pool_futures.py   real    4m3.939s user    6m33.297s sys 0m54.853s 

I cannot profile these with the Python profiler because I get pickle errors. Any ideas?

like image 601
astrojuanlu Avatar asked Sep 07 '13 08:09


People also ask

Is concurrent futures better than multiprocessing?

If you are running on Linux systems then the hangs might not occur but the execution complexity is still more in the "multiprocessing" module. Also having said this, it is also important to note my tasks were highly CPU intensive tasks. On a personal note, I would recommend concurrent.

Is concurrent futures thread-safe?

Yes, it's thread-safe.

1 Answers

When using map from concurrent.futures, each element from the iterable is submitted separately to the executor, which creates a Future object for each call. It then returns an iterator which yields the results returned by the futures.
Future objects are rather heavyweight, they do a lot of work to allow all the features they provide (like callbacks, ability to cancel, check status, ...).

Compared to that, multiprocessing.Pool has much less overhead. It submits jobs in batches (reducing IPC overhead), and directly uses the result returned by the function. For big batches of jobs, multiprocessing is definitely the better options.

Futures are great if you want to sumbit long running jobs where the overhead isn't that important, where you want to be notified by callback or check from time to time to see if they're done or be able to cancel the execution individually.

Personal note:

I can't really think of much reasons to use Executor.map - it doesn't give you any of the features of futures - except for the ability to specify a timeout. If you're just interested in the results, you're better off using one of multiprocessing.Pool's map functions.

like image 139
mata Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
