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Process two lists in parallel with java.util.stream.Stream




For each element i in each list perform an operation. Elements can be processed in any order. For example in old java:

List<A> aList;
List<B> bList; // aList is larger than bList

for (int i=0; i<bList.size(), i++) {

for (int j=i; j<aList.size(), j++) {

Which is the best way to implement this with java.util.stream.Stream so elements can be processed in parallel?

like image 338
Jose Gisbert Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 17:03

Jose Gisbert

People also ask

Does Java stream run in parallel?

Parallel Streams. Any stream in Java can easily be transformed from sequential to parallel. We can achieve this by adding the parallel method to a sequential stream or by creating a stream using the parallelStream method of a collection: List<Integer> listOfNumbers = Arrays.

How do you do parallel processing in Java?

The 'Stream' interface in Java, which was introduced in Java 8, is used to manipulate data collections in a declarative fashion. Stream interface can also be used to execute processes in parallel, without making the process too complicated.

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If you need to combine more than two Streams, you can invoke the concat() method again from within the original invocation: Stream<String> combinedStream = Stream. concat( Stream. concat(collectionA.

2 Answers

You need to work on both lists in parallel so I don't think you can stream the lists themselves. However you can stream the indices and work on that:

IntStream.range(0, aList.size())
    .forEach(i -> {
        if (i < bList.size()) aList.get(i).doSomethingWith(bList.get(i));
        else aList.get(i).doSomething();
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assylias Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10


Just because Stream is new it does not mean that you should forget about all other tools Java provides. Even using these good old tools becomes smoother using Java 8:

List<A> aList;
List<B> bList; // aList is larger than bList

ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
int a=aList.size(), b=bList.size();
assert a>b;
Future<?> f1=exec.submit(()->IntStream.range(0, b)
Future<?> f2=exec.submit(()->aList.subList(b, a)
like image 43
Holger Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10
