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Problems with postgresql COPY command with Rails on different server

I have a rails app that has been working successfully for months. In a few places I call directly to the database via ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( sql_code )

With a recent need to scale, I just added a second server for data processing. I want to run the same app but connect over the network to the other database server. That is the only difference here. All other areas of the app work--it can connect to the remote database.

Where it is breaking, is where I have rails issue a psql COPY command to import a csv file.

   result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( @PGSQL_COPY_COMMAND )     # perform the copy command

This fails and says that the csv file can not be found. I have verified it is there and is readable to both the user running the rails app and the postgres user.

Am I missing something?

like image 219
NJ. Avatar asked Jul 21 '11 17:07


3 Answers

You can use COPY FROM STDIN to get around this... like so:

conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkout
raw  = conn.raw_connection
raw.exec("COPY tablename (col1, col2, col3) FROM STDIN")
# open up your CSV file looping through line by line and getting the line into a format suitable for pg's COPY...
raw.put_copy_data line
# once all done...
while res = raw.get_result do; end # very important to do this after a copy

I believe there are some options to COPY that will let you specify you're passing in CSV data which would make it even easier...

like image 146
Philip Hallstrom Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Philip Hallstrom

In pg-0.17.1 (Rails 4) there's an improved PG::Connection::copy_data interface to Postgres COPY.

  def load_file(filename)

    dbconn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkout
    raw  = dbconn.raw_connection
    count = nil

    result = raw.copy_data "COPY my_table FROM STDIN" do

      File.open(filename, 'r').each do |line|
        raw.put_copy_data line


    count = dbconn.select_value("select count(*) from #{ttable}").to_i



You can even pass an entire file buffer to put_copy_data if you aren't worried about memory usage:

      result = raw.copy_data "COPY my_table FROM STDIN" do
        raw.put_copy_data File.read(filename)
like image 16
hybernaut Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10


You can also try this, and execute the command with psql:

config = YourApp::Application.config.database_configuration[::Rails.env]
dbhost, dbuser, dbname = config['host'], config['username'], config['database']

copy_command = "\\copy theTable (col1, col2, col3) from '/a/path/to/csv' csv header;"
sql_command = "psql -U #{dbuser} -h #{dbhost} #{dbname} -c \"#{copy_command}\""

like image 1
user589473 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10
