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Problems with contravariance in Scala

I want to define a type-class like this:

trait CanFold[-T, R] {
  def sum(acc: R, elem: T): R
  def zero: R

implicit object CanFoldInts extends CanFold[Int, Int] {
  def sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
  def zero = 0

implicit object CanFoldSeqs extends CanFold[Traversable[_], Traversable[_]] {
  def sum(x: Traversable[_], y: Traversable[_]) = x ++ y
  def zero = Traversable()

def sum[A, B](list: Traversable[A])(implicit adder: CanFold[A, B]): B = 
  list.foldLeft(adder.zero)((acc,e) => adder.sum(acc, e))

However, the problem is when I do this I get a Traversable[Any] and it would be nice to get a Traversable[Int] instead:

 scala> sum(List(1,2,3) :: List(4, 5) :: Nil)
 res10: Traversable[Any] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

To make matters worse, I cannot define an implicit for Traversable[Int] after defining one for Traversable[_], because then the definitions would cause ambiguity. After pulling my hair out I gave up.

Is there any way I could make that sum return a Traversable[T] instead of a Traversable[Any]?

Looking at how sum() is defined on Seq in Scala's library, I can see it works with Numeric, which is invariant, but I want default implementations for supertypes and having the result be different than the input (same as the fold operation) is nice.

like image 432
Alexandru Nedelcu Avatar asked Nov 01 '12 12:11

Alexandru Nedelcu

People also ask

Why is contravariance useful?

This is mainly useful when using already defined standard interfaces. Covariance means that you can use IEnumerable<string> in place where IEnumerable<object> is expected. Contravariance allows you to pass IComparable<object> as an argument of a method taking IComparable<string> .

What is covariance and Contravariance in Scala?

Covariance allows assigning an instance to a variable whose type is one of the instance's generic type; i.e. supertype. Contravariance allows assigning an instance to a variable whose type is one of the instance's derived type; i.e. subtype.

What is covariance and Contravariance in generics?

Covariance and contravariance are terms that refer to the ability to use a more derived type (more specific) or a less derived type (less specific) than originally specified. Generic type parameters support covariance and contravariance to provide greater flexibility in assigning and using generic types.

What does <: mean in Scala?

It means an abstract type member is defined (inside some context, e.g. a trait or class), so that concrete implementations of that context must define that type.

1 Answers

The only way I know to add type parameters to such type classes is to use a def instead of an object:

implicit def CanFoldSeqs[A] = new CanFold[Traversable[A], Traversable[A]] {
  def sum(x: Traversable[A], y: Traversable[A]) = x ++ y
  def zero = Traversable()

scala> sum(List(1, 2, 3) :: List(4, 5) :: Nil)
res0: Traversable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
like image 171
kiritsuku Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10
