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Problems using Smart Location Library

I am trying to use the Smart Location Library to obtain periodic location updates. But when start the process it fires the listener once then there is no further updates. Here is the code i used

public void startTracking(View v)    {
    provider = new LocationGooglePlayServicesWithFallbackProvider(this);

    Log.i("Tag","Start Tracking");
    SmartLocation smartLocation = new SmartLocation.Builder(this)


public void stopTracking(View v) {
    Log.i("Tag","Stop Tracking");


public void onActivityUpdated(DetectedActivity detectedActivity)
    Log.i("Tag","ActivityUpdate : "+detectedActivity.toString());

public void onLocationUpdated(Location location)
    Log.i("Tag","LocationUpdate : "+location.getLatitude()+","+location.getLongitude());

This is the Logcat output I got

 01-27 14:09:01.791 3038-3038/com.angulusits.smartlocationtest I/Tag:
 Start Tracking 

 01-27 14:09:01.879 3038-3038/com.angulusits.smartlocationtest I/Tag:
 ActivityUpdate : DetectedActivity [type=STILL, confidence=100] 

 01-27 14:09:02.017 3038-3038/com.angulusits.smartlocationtest I/Tag:
 LocationUpdate : <some-value>,<some-value>

This is given as soon as i press startButton, Then no more values.

I checked the code on the Library for BEST_EFFORT value which is :

public static final LocationParams BEST_EFFORT = new Builder().setAccuracy(LocationAccuracy.MEDIUM).setDistance(150).setInterval(2500).build();

So I expected updates every 2500 millisecs even if device is not moving. I would appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.

like image 891
Deepak Avatar asked Jan 27 '16 09:01


1 Answers

You need to say continuous() while creating the location listener. Try this code snippet below,

private void startLocationListener() {

    long mLocTrackingInterval = 1000 * 5; // 5 sec
    float trackingDistance = 0;
    LocationAccuracy trackingAccuracy = LocationAccuracy.HIGH;

    LocationParams.Builder builder = new LocationParams.Builder()

            .start(new OnLocationUpdatedListener() {
                public void onLocationUpdated(Location location) {

Its late reply! Anyway this would help someone.

like image 97
Karthi R Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 00:11

Karthi R