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Problems trying to enable/start custom target in systemd

i create a target file to group all my personal services in my fedora 18, i tested the services and i can start then individually, but if i try to enable the target i got a error message!

[root@ghostrider system]# systemctl enable developer.target
Failed to issue method call: Invalid argument

And here the target code:

# Target para ativar servicos de desenvolvimento em Java

Description=Processes Java


I really don't understand what that message means, any clues?

like image 686
LottaLava Avatar asked Dec 06 '13 13:12


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2 Answers

You have an Alias with the same name as the unit (developer.target). This caused the same issue for me while writing a service file. It is completely redundant, so just remove it.

like image 164
Anton Eliasson Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10

Anton Eliasson

systemd will create symlink in /etc/systemd/system/xxx.target.wants, if your /etc/systemd/system/xxx.target.wants/xxx.service is not a symlink, systemd can not create symlink, it will throw this error.

please clean your /etc/systemd/system/xxx.target.wants/ dir.

like image 37
jolestar Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10
