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Problems getting pygame to show anything but a blank screen on Macos

I recently bought a new macbook and I've been trying endlessly to get pygame to work, but haven't succeeded yet. I'm getting pretty desperate and I could really use some help.

I've installed pygame 1.9.4 and even though I don't get any error messages when running pygame code, it won't show me anything but a blank screen. I'm using the following code to test it:

import pygame pygame.init()  screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600))  while True:     for event in pygame.event.get():         if event.type == pygame.QUIT:             quit()      screen.fill((255,0,0))     pygame.display.update()  pygame.quit() 

On my old macbook the test code gives me a red screen as expected. Both macbooks are running python 2.7.10.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I think I installed pygame exactly like I did on my old macbook and the only difference seems to be the operating system.

edit 1: I write the script in Sublime Text and run the program in Terminal. Screenshot

edit 2: I got pygame working again by downgrading my operating system to macOS High Sierra.

like image 355
Boudewijn Maas Avatar asked Oct 09 '18 10:10

Boudewijn Maas

People also ask

How do I make my screen appear in pygame?

Steps to make a pygame window: Import pygame module. Create a pygame window object using pygame. display. set_mode() method.

How do you change display mode in pygame?

Setting the display mode is handled with the function pygame. display. set_mode((width, height), flags, depth) Initialize a window or screen for display. The only required argument in this function is a sequence containing the width and height of the new display mode.

Does pygame work on Mac?

To test if PyGame has been installed on your Mac, open IDLE by typing IDLE in your Spotlight search bar. Then type import pygame as shown in the image. If you do not see any error, it means that PyGame has been successfully installed on your Mac.

1 Answers

Tested and works on macOS 10.15 Catalina, Python 3.7.5, PyGame 2.0.0 (pre-release as of this writing) and PyGame 1.9.6 (stable as of this writing).

Initially you need to decide if you want a stable release or a pre-release (unstable). If you decide to use the latest (and possibly pre-release/unstable) then just ignore the first step ("1. Find the latest stable release version") and use master branch at step 4 of the second step ("2. Install PyGame from source").

1. Find the latest stable release version

Go to PyGame's GitHub page here:

enter image description here

As you can see as of this writing the latest stable release is 1.9.6 so we hold this tag name for later.

2. Install PyGame on macOS from source

  1. Install some dependencies brew install sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_net sdl2_ttf. This requires homebrew.
  2. Go to site-packages:
    • For virtual environment go to cd ~/.virtualenvs/myvirtualenv/lib/python3.X/site-packages where ~/.virtualenvs/myvirtualenv is the path to your virtual environment and python3.X is the version of your Python.
    • For system-wide installation go to /usr/local/lib/python3.X/site-packages where python3.X is the version of your Python.
  3. Delete any previous pygame, pip uninstall pygame (if a pygame directory exists in site-packages then remove it: rm -rf pygame*)
  4. Clone PyGame from GitHub:
    • git clone https://github.com/pygame/pygame.git for the latest (possibly not stable version).
    • git clone -b 1.9.6 https://github.com/pygame/pygame.git --single-branch for the latest (1.9.6 is the tag name of the latest stable release, as of this writing, see "Find the latest stable release version above")
  5. Go into the newly cloned pygame directory: cd pygame.
  6. Run python setup.py --config --auto --sdl2.
    • If you get problems with this command, some users below mentioned that single hyphens worked for them, therefore try: python setup.py -config -auto -sdl2.
    • If you get any problems regarding Python2/3 and you are targeting Python3 try to change python setup.py --config --auto --sdl2 to python3 setup.py --config --auto --sdl2.
  7. Run python setup.py install (it will take a while).
    • If you get any problems regarding Python2/3 and you are targeting Python3 try to change python setup.py --config --auto --sdl2 to python3 setup.py --config --auto --sdl2.

Now PyGame should work as expected on macOS.

like image 154
Rafael Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09
