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Problems found loading Plugins in Android Studio

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How do I fix failed to apply plugin com Android internal application?

Updated June 24, 2020 You need to update to the latest gradle version to solve this issue. It might show a popup asking your permission to update gradle , please update and it will download the latest distribution automatically and the issue will be resolved.

How do I install Plugins on Android?

Step 1: Open the Android Studio and go to File > Settings as shown in the below image. Step 2: After hitting on the Settings button a pop-up screen will arise like the following. Here select Plugins in the left panel. Make sure you are on the Marketplace tab.

How do I fix Android Studio not working?

Open Start menu > Computer > System Properties > Advanced System Properties In the Advanced tab > Environment Variables. Add new system variable JAVA_HOME that points to JDK folder, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1. 7.0_13\

Where are Android Studio Plugins located?

Android Studio plugin directories are /Applications/Android Studio. app/plugins and ~/Library/Application Support/AndroidStudioPreview (hidden).

go to Settings-Plugins-IDE Settings and just disable and enable again needed plugins - it helped me. I think it was some bug on Studio

I have the same error, and I solve it as mentioned above:

  1. go as flow file-->settings-->plugins
  2. then uncheck the red options
  3. apply settings You will get error message no problem
  4. recheck the unchecked options
  5. press ok
  6. it will request to restart android studio press ok button and it will solve the error and work fine again

1.Go to settings -> uncheck all red check one's -> apply

2.It will restart your android studio -> OK

3.Go to settings -> Plugins -> check the unchecked one's->apply

4.Restart and update them all.



I try to remove and reinstall Extras or disable and enable plugins but the problem is not solved.

I find a solution to correct that is to reset Android Studio You have to remove this directory and restart Android Studio to detect the SDK location:
