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Problem with button click event in jquery

I am using jQuery on button click to show div but don't know why its not working...


<input type="button" id="addmoresg" value="Add More" name="button">
<div id="addsg" style="display:none">
    <!-- more HTML here -->


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.addmoresg').click(function() {

jsFiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/XGVp3/

I am not getting any result on button click.

like image 644
Rahul Singh Avatar asked Sep 02 '11 04:09

Rahul Singh

1 Answers

2 problems:

  1. You did not select jQuery as library in your demo.
  2. You use class selectors [docs] (.addmoresg) instead of id selectors [docs] (#addmoresg). Your elements only have ids, not classes:

    <input type="button" id="addmoresg" value="Add More" name="button"> 

    $('.addmoresg) would select elements with class="addmoresg", e.g.

    <input type="button" class="addmoresg" value="Add More" name="button"> 

Working demo

jQuery has a great documentation and a list of all possible selectors, with examples.

like image 58
Felix Kling Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10

Felix Kling