I'm totally flummoxed by a GWT problem, and have no clue how to interpret the GWT log or how to troubleshoot the problem. I'm working on a fairly trivial template project. I upgraded to GWT 2.3.0 and am now running into the following issue when compiling the module using the maven-gwt-plugin:
[INFO] --- gwt-maven-plugin:2.3.0:compile (default) @ gaewebtemplate ---
[INFO] auto discovered modules [stuff.gaegwttemplate.Main, stuff.gaegwttemplate.security.SecurityRequest]
[INFO] Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.activity.Activity'
[INFO] Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.place.Place'
[INFO] Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.user.User'
[INFO] Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.animation.Animation'
[INFO] Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.core.Core'
[INFO] Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.core.CrossSiteIframeLinker'
[INFO] [ERROR] Unable to load class 'com.google.gwt.core.linker.DirectInstallLinker'
[INFO] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.google.gwt.core.linker.DirectInstallLinker
< Huge stack-trace removed >
[INFO] [ERROR] Failure while parsing XML
[INFO] com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException: (see previous log entries)
< Huge stack-trace removed >
[INFO] [ERROR] Unexpected error while processing XML
[INFO] com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException: (see previous log entries)
The two stack traces and cryptic error messages above is then repeated creating page after page of (as far as I can tell) completely useless log information.
Does anyone know what might be going on here? Any idea what logging "strategy" Google is using here :).
I ran into a similar issue. If you are trying to use a GWT SDK newer than the maven plugin, you have to also point the maven plugin to that SDK, like this:
Otherwise, I believe the maven plugin will still use the GWT version that matches it (if you were to delete your GWT jars from your maven repo, you could confirm this by seeing it downloading the older version.)
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