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Problem running compiled Python script [duplicate]



So I have compiled a python script with py2exe according to this answer. There were no errors during compilation, everything went fine.

When I run the script from a cmd like this:

C:\Users\Richard\Dist\backprop3.exe 60

This is the output I get:

C:\Users\Richard>C:\Users\Richard\Dist\backprop3.exe 60
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "backprop3.py", line 209, in <module>
  File "backprop3.py", line 175, in demo
NameError: global name '__file__' is not defined


Which is referring to this line:

image = Image.open( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) )+"/backprop-input.bmp" )

That line just loads an image from a current directory. Where is the problem?

like image 634
Richard Knop Avatar asked Feb 26 '23 20:02

Richard Knop

1 Answers

__file__ will not work within py2exe. This is because the module is inside the .exe and thus there is nothing to set __file__ to which will give you the python file.

See http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/WhereAmI for techniques of dealing with this.

like image 130
Winston Ewert Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 13:03

Winston Ewert