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private method `new' called for MyReminderMailer:Class

In a controller, i have:

mailer = MyReminderMailer.new

the mailer looks like this:

class MyReminderMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def change_email
      from:     default_from,
      to:       default_to,
      subject: "..."

  def default_from
    return '...'

  def default_to
    return '...'

but got error: private method `new' called for MyReminderMailer:Class

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user1510412 Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 17:12


2 Answers

ActionMailer::Base has a rather goofy and unintuitive API. Much like controllers, you never explicitly create instances of your mailers. Instead, you interact with them as classes. new is marked private in ActionMailer::Base, and method calls on the class are subsequently routed through method_missing to a new instance of itself. Like I said, unintuitive.

Have a look at the guides and api docs for more information on the correct usage of ActionMailer.

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Zach Kemp Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 00:12

Zach Kemp

Ruby does not allow to call private method in normal way. You can call it with send method

SomeClass.send :method_name

#in your case
MyReminderMailer.send :new

And you don't need ActionMailer object. To send mail just use the method as like class method.


Hope this can help you.

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Chen Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 01:12
